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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 18, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
2 Questions.

1) In Lightroom I have a keyword hierarchy, but is there an easier way to drag keywords into other ones? This is very time consuming as I have a very long list of words.

2) For black and white photo's, would I be better of editing in Lightroom and adjusting in Photoshop after or just doing everything in Photoshop? This would only be for some B&W photos as Lightroom is sufficient for a lot.


macrumors 6502
Feb 28, 2005
In the cool neighborhood of LA
2 Questions.

1) In Lightroom I have a keyword hierarchy, but is there an easier way to drag keywords into other ones? This is very time consuming as I have a very long list of words.

2) For black and white photo's, would I be better of editing in Lightroom and adjusting in Photoshop after or just doing everything in Photoshop? This would only be for some B&W photos as Lightroom is sufficient for a lot.

This is just from my experience:

1) You can make parent and child directories by simply dragging the actual keyword onto another keyword. Is that what you were asking?

2) I do both. There are some nice WOW B&W plug-ins for Lightroom. If I don't like the result, I take it into Photoshop. But 75% of the time, the Lightroom adjustments are good enough.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 18, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
This is just from my experience:

1) You can make parent and child directories by simply dragging the actual keyword onto another keyword. Is that what you were asking?

I already do this. What I was asking is if there's a faster way to do this, as it takes a lot of time to drag on keyword from the bottom of the list to the top and down a few hierarchies.
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