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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 3, 2014

I'm a long time enthusiast photographer but fairly new to the digital processing side of things.

I have been playing around with Lightroom (free trial) - mainly for developing some RAW photos and have got the hang of most things.

However I am interested in any good books or magazines with everyday tutorials for getting the most out of your raw photos and fixing common issues. I have been following some tutorials in a photo mag but would like to find a book or magazine that is dedicated to this. Also if there are any good online tutorials - but preferably after books/magazines.

I have been looking through the book 'digital negative' and have got a bit out of it... however I would prefer a simple step by step tutorial approach - preferably with sample images. There seems to be an over abundance of Photoshop books but not Lightroom.

At the moment I'm just using the free trial - I am open to any advice/feedback regarding alternative programs... however it seems Lightroom is the most universal and suitable app for the task??

If you are not adverse to web based videos you should check out the Adobe TV tutorials at:

(BTW, Adobe has mangled the Learning section of their site and turned it into a sales pitch for CC. You have to hunt for the real Adobe TV links like the one above.)

Also, anything posted by Julieanne Kost is worth viewing. She's the main Lr evangelist at Adobes and has here own site at:
great suggestions were given to you so I'll simply add one more -

Give a try. They cover various topics including Lightroom and have an excellent reputation.
If you are a KelbyOne member, they released 15 training sessions on LR6/CC the day the program was released. They are very good.
If you are a KelbyOne member, they released 15 training sessions on LR6/CC the day the program was released. They are very good.

These are very good, but like most tutorials at KelbyOne they are NOT for the beginner. You need to be rather familiar with the basics of Lr to get anything out of them. These target experienced Lr5 users.

KelbyOne does have a beginner's tutorial. The OP should consider searching KelbyOne for that tutorial and other basic tutorials from other sites first.
And I think there is a KelbyOne video on migrating from Aperture to LR that done a couple of months ago. Never had a reason to look at it.
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Thanks everyone for all the suggestions. I'm slowly going to work my way through them. :)
Also there are a few YouTube channels worth watching who, among other things, focus on Lr. My favourites are Adorama TV - especially for Gavin Hoey or SLR Lounge, they offer really good videos too!
If you have the $ Safari books online is a great resource. I just did a search for "lightroom" and came up with 754 books and 39 videos! For just 2015 releases there were 23 new books/videos, including the Adobe press books

I'm working on my transition from Aperture to lightroom and have found that the fastest approach for me is:

1. The Lynda video Migrating from Aperture to Lightroom. I haven't tried Kelby, but some reviewers have said that Lynda is a bit more professional. I love the fact that Lynda includes the projects that they use in the courses so that you can work along with the videos. They also include a running transcript which highlights the words as they speak them (very cool!) so you can easily cut/paste notes of crucial things.

2. When I'm in a hurry to find something and a book is a better resource than a video I go to Safari Books Online. Generally for Adobe products the "Classroom in a book" series works best for me. Apple's training books are there, as well as all of the books from David Pogue's Missing Manual series.

The Safari Bookshelf videos may or may not include the associated training files. Adobe wants to sell you the book so on recently published items then tend not to include the associated materials. If you go to an earlier version of the book the materials are generally there. The videos aren't as extensive as the Lynda videos and don't include a running transcript. [Lynda early on published some of their stuff on Safari, but think they don't use it anymore].

Both Safari and Lynda offer free trials so you can try them out.

After that Safari runs $14.99 a month/$159 a year for a 5 slot bookshelf. Unless you purchase an unlimited license ($43 a month/$473 a year) the 5 and 10 slot bookshelves work like this. To read a book you must add it to your bookshelf. A book has to remain on the shelf for 30 days before you can remove it.

Lynda is $20 a month if you pay for the year, $25 a month on a month to month basis for their cheapest subscription. If you want the project files it's $35 a month or $30 a month for a year.
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I do not use LR, but....... I have gotten books from the Missing Manuals series for other photo programs and have been very pleased.
You can also view the tutorial videos at Adobe.


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