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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 6, 2007
Chittenango, NY
I hope this doesn't turn into a Lightroom vs Aperture debate because they both have their strong points i assume, but I gotta tell you, I really love LR. It is amazing.

I use Photoshop all the time for editing purposes, but sometimes you just want to get to the good stuff for photos and LR does that for me. I won't use a few of the features like the print options very often with the price of ink being what it is, but the layouts are nice anyway. I dunno maybe if i was better at PS i wouldn't need this tool, but to be honest I would rather pay $200 for this than $600 for PS again, when all I want to do is photo work.

I did try and load Aperture, but it said I didn't have good enough specs. That to me is faulty planning on the software makers part. I run CS without a hitch and I run LR without a hitch.

So I have until April 30th to buy LR befre it jumps up $100, and you better believe I am going for it :)


macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2007
Just curious what computer setup you have for Lightroom? Yeah, I can't wait until the print function allows output as JPG rather than PDF so I can send off to print at any online photo printer.


macrumors 65816
For editing images, I've found Lightroom to be great. It's simple, it does most everything you want out of a photo editor, and it doesn't require much in terms of hardware. What turned me off was it's organizational abilities. After using Aperture for several months, and trying Lightroom for a while, I simply found that I'd rather have Aperture installed and have an Aperture Library to dump and organize my pictures. Lightroom is great for image editing, in many ways better than Aperture, but I'd rather have all my pictures in one place than have to keep my pictures organized manually. Maybe that's just me.


Jul 11, 2006
I used the Beta version, and I loved the image editing. I didn't try using it for orgainzation since it was Beta, and I was running it on about the minimum system requirements so it was slow. I would like to buy the final version sometime, but I need more money first.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2007
Not having used Aperture I can't comment on organization, but having used Lightroom for a while I find it pretty easy to find files as long as they were tagged with metadata. The majority of my images had the date/time set correctly as well as location, keywords info. After that it doesn't matter on the file location when you import by referenced location into Lightroom as you can search on metadata like you do in iTunes.


macrumors 65816
May 2, 2005
Wheaton/Normal, IL
Just curious what computer setup you have for Lightroom? Yeah, I can't wait until the print function allows output as JPG rather than PDF so I can send off to print at any online photo printer.

You can output any file as a JPEG, it's exactly like the RAW functions of Photoshop and the limited image editing tools of iPhoto.

And yes, I'm loving Lightroom. It just isn't great for me because I do a lot of HDR images, which Adobe's programs don't do well with.



macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2007
You can output any file as a JPEG, it's exactly like the RAW functions of Photoshop and the limited image editing tools of iPhoto.

And yes, I'm loving Lightroom. It just isn't great for me because I do a lot of HDR images, which Adobe's programs don't do well with.


Sorry, I meant in the Print module. I love the ease in photo layout but when you choose PRINT it only allows you to send to printer or ADOBE PDF. I want the simplicity of laying out photos in the Print module but the option to send to JPG for external printing. If you figure out how to circumvent this problem let me know. Thanks.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2003
I just bought CS3 Design Premium and am getting comfortable with Bridge and such. What would Light Room do that Bridge does not. I have Aperture on one machine also. So I don't want to wind up with two much less three programs competing for learning curve space in my brain.


macrumors member
Feb 19, 2004
Aperture is crashy for me.

It crashes everytime I input my vast collection of CR2's. It was unusable. I LOVE Lightroom. It does everything I need. as far as color goes. although I had a flaky moment yesterday editing an image in photoshop and then taking it back to lightroom. Other than that which may very well have been my brain skip. I am extremely impressed with it. It even works well on older hardware that Aperture won't play nice with.
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