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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 11, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada USA
I would love to hear comments from those of us who ordered and received already the iMac (with Nvidia Processor graphics built in) 2009 version. How do you like it? When did it get it? Are any of you doing any video editing? What things are you using the iMac for? Any problems? Lets hear from all of you. I am sure people will be very much interested in how you use your Mac in your life. Waiting for you answers. Take care.

Be sure to include the full configuration you bought including processor speed, memory, Hard Drive size, etc. Thanks.
Come on, don't be shy. I know there must be some of you out there that did buy the 2009 version of the iMac that did not have the HD4850 Video built in. Lets hear from you.
No problems here (2009, 2.66). My first ever Mac and I love it so far. Was having some problems with bluetooth disconnecting but somehow that seems to have gone away.

Only other issue was transferring over my mail from Outlook. Just got a 1TB external HD and have time machine running now. all good.
I bought the 2.66 24-inch version with 9400M and can't say I've had any major issues. It's my first Mac and I love it :D I got eyeTV and that works well for recording and then encoding video for iPhone. I also use Flight Sim 2004 on Boot Camp and can get the frame rates to hit 50+ with all settings maxed out. I know that this is an ancient game but with add-ons installed it can be very graphic intensive and for a shared graphics chip I couldn't be happier. Obviously you won't get these kind of frame rates with newer games. Don't do video editing so don't know how it would handle that, I'd expect it to cope fairly well with occasional no-pro usage.

One problem I haven't solved, in Boot Camp is my sound is very muffled, no probs in OSX but terrible in Boot Camp. I expect it's just a driver issue but I'm still searching for a newer driver.

As an aside, an application called Shades is a must, my iMac gave me headaches when using it at night until I found this app, even at it's lowest setting it was ridiculously bright.
I bought the 2.66 24-inch version with 9400M and can't say I've had any major issues.

One problem I haven't solved, in Boot Camp is my sound is very muffled, no probs in OSX but terrible in Boot Camp. I expect it's just a driver issue but I'm still searching for a newer driver.

Maybe Parallels would be better for the sound problem, Anyway thanks for responding to my thread.
How do you like it? Really like it. Opted for the 3.06 with wireless mouse and numbered keypad. The screen is amazing. Probably overkill for what I will currently use it for but I got a very generous discount so figured go for the best. So fast and when I finally turned off my old PC realised how quiet the Mac is. It's my first Mac but not my last.

When did it get it? 31 March, direct from Apple via a friend who works for them.

Are any of you doing any video editing? Not something I've ever done but you never know in the future.

What things are you using the iMac for? At the moment photo editing, accounts, internet. But I'm sure I'll be doing a lot more as time goes on.

Any problems? Had a minor issue when I moved all my iTunes to the iMac, had a few exclamation marks on songs, but fixed that. Also wireless mouse sometimes loses connection but that hasn't happened in the last few days. Other than that very pleased.
I really like mine as well. I bought mine from the Apple Store on 31 March. I would have liked to have gotten the ATI Radeon, but I didn't want to wait 4-6 weeks to receive it, nor do I have a credit card to buy one on-line (paid by debit card) Plus, I did get a big discount for buying it at the Apple Store from one of my friends. But the performance on the GT130 is quite excellent and the computer is whisper quiet, especially compared to my old HP which sounded like a vacuum cleaner.

I use my computer for photo-editing, watching movies, listening to music and surfing the internet. It plays movies and music flawlessly. I don't plan to play much games on it, as I'm more of a console gamer than a PC gamer (have a PS3). But all-in-all, I am very happy with the Mac and feel like it's worth every penny I've spent on it. This may also be my first Mac ever, but it most certainly won't be my last. Although, I also have noticed that my wireless mouse disconnects suddenly from time to time as well.
I bought the 3.06 at the store the day it came out. I love it. This is my first Mac from being on a PC my whole life (about 7 years). I've been building my PC's for the past four years so they were all high(er)-end, and my current PC is definitely a little faster than this iMac. I really love the Mac OS, though, and the applications that are made for it.

The screen is amazing. I watched an HD movie on it and all I could say was, "wow." Since then, I've watched a lot of movies from my bed (maybe 6 feet away).

I hated the mighty mouse, so I'm using the mouse I used to use on my PC, and I set up synergy so I can run both of them side-by-side (though my PC has been off since about 2 days after I got this iMac). I also didn't like the mini-keyboard, but I exchanged it and the one with the number pad is definitely better.

I haven't run many stressful applications on it, but I've been using Photoshop, Firefox with at least 15 tabs open, Adium, iTunes in the background, Coda (for web design), and several task bar applications all at once and haven't noticed a slow down at all. The CPU generally stays around 40°C, and the hard drive stays around 50°C (which seems a little warm).

As I said, my PC is definitely a little faster than this, but this makes about 1/20th of the noise. I can finally sleep at night (I leave it on 24/7--like I've always done with my PCs).

I'm still adjusting and tweaking a few things, but I'm sure that's just because I'm a new Mac user. It's definitely the most appealing computer I've ever owned, and everything seems so clean.

I'm expecting to buy either an Alu MacBook or low-end MacBook Pro this summer because I'm going to college next year, and this thing made me believe in Apple.
Great, I love all the feedback , Keep it coming. It is very interesting to see how others love their Macs. Thanks for commenting and to future commentators. :D
I got the base 20" full base config from an apple store and am more than happy with it. I would have liked a 24" version but i had to budget for something else and couldn't wait any longer without a computer.

It runs all the apps i need without issue (usually photoshop, dreamweaver, fireworks and bridge each in a seperate space).

i was planning on setting up xp in boot camp and installing vmware fusion for the odd app and the only game i play, guild wars. After setting up crossover games however i soon changed my mind. This is more than enough and i don't have to dedicate a large chunk of my hdd for an OS I'd rarely use.

Video conversion and playback of 1080p video works well without any problems.

Although i have no issues with speed i will be upgrading to 4gb ram because more is always better :p
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