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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 24, 2003
Well, I have been using Acquision for a while but recently I haven't been able to download anything at all. So I decided to give Limewire a try. Only thing is, when I install it and try to start it up, nothing happens. Anyone know what the problem may be?
good thing you gave up on Acquisistion because it's dead. Limewire should work OK. what OS are you using? are you sure you used the correct installer? explain a bit better what you mean by "nothing happens". does it crash, does it not even appear in the dock, error messages, etc?
I'm running 10.2.6 and as fas as I know I have the correctc installer. I went to the main Limewire site and they only have one link for OSX which directs you to a link. The installation completes fine as far as I know, when I click on the application to start it, it appears in the dock for a few moments but then disappears, then nothing else.

There is another thing, after the installation finishes I have two text documents placed on my desktop, err.txt and out.txt. Here is the contents of err.txt

InstallerModeController: No lock file present.
Extractor Directory Not Found, using 'user.dir'
Default properties location = /Users/albertgriffin/Desktop/
UI Mode set to Default - SWING.


InstallAnywhere 5.0.7 Enterprise

Wed Aug 13 20:11:43 EDT 2003

Free memory = 15101 kB
Total memory = 16256 kB

No arguments.





java.version == 1.3.1 (Java 2+)
mrj.version == 3.3 == Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
java.vm.vendor == "Apple Computer, Inc."
java.vm.version == 1.3.1_03-69 == Java Virtual Machine Specification
java.vm.specification.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.specification.version == 1.0 == Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.specification.version == 1.3
java.vendor == Apple Computer, Inc.
java.vendor.url ==
java.class.version == 47.0
java.compiler == null
java.home == /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.3.1/Home == /tmp == Mac OS X
os.arch == ppc
os.version == 10.2.6
path.separator == :
file.separator == /
file.encoding == MacRoman == albertgriffin
user.home == /Users/albertgriffin
user.dir == /Users/albertgriffin/Desktop
user.language == en
user.region == US

Installer: InstallAnywhere 5.0.7 Enterprise Build 1680

System's temporary directory = /private/tmp/501/Cleanup At Startup/
Installer: no 'sea_loc' in working dir, couldn't define $EXTRACTOR_EXECUTABLE$
RepositoryManager: lock acquired on: /Library/Preferences/.com.zerog.registry.lock
ZGUtil: Data zip found in: /Users/albertgriffin/Desktop/
RepositoryManager: Local repository location is: /Applications/LimeWire/UninstallerData/Uninstall
CDS: Free Disk Space in bytes == 36093517824
CDS: Required Disk Space in bytes == 8159028
Unknown Mac OS File Type: info.plist
Unknown Mac OS File Type: copying
Unknown Mac OS File Type: copying~
Unknown Mac OS File Type: source
Unknown Mac OS File Type: xml.war
Unknown Mac OS File Type: update.ver
Unknown Mac OS File Type: copying
Unknown Mac OS File Type: source
XMLST: Reading source document using UTF-8 encoding
Retrying Installables deferred in pass 0
Deferral retries done because:
There were no deferrals in the last pass.
RepositoryManager: lock acquired on: /Library/Preferences/.com.zerog.registry.lock
RepositoryManager: repository successfully written to stable storage
RepositoryManager: lock acquired on: /Applications/LimeWire/UninstallerData/Uninstall
RepositoryManager: repository successfully written to stable storage

There seem to be few weird things in there but it all looks like giberish to me. The out.txt is empty. Hopefully someone can make some sense of this...
Free memory = 15101 kB
Total memory = 16256 kB

Read that back to me.

How much ram do you have?

And how much do you need?


You really need to free some ram there! Open iPhoto or something with a ton of photos and then close it after that it will give some memory back to you

Limewire is a damn hog.

Use Poisoned, Mac Front-End GUI for the Gift Protocal, it also connects to FastTrack, OpenFT as well as Gnutella.

--pwn away!
Originally posted by coolsoldier
Umm...Acquisition is LimeWire with a pretty interface. If Acquisition is dead, Limewire is also dead.:rolleyes:


Not at all.

There are a *ton* of other clients out there that use Gnutalla, though Limewire is the biggest name.

Its not like if Limewire was killed Gnutalla would die with it.

Anyway if Limewire really, really wanted Gnutella to die, it would have.

Anyway, limewire is really bad.
I had been using poisoned since Sarah Lane displayed it on the screen savers, but then ever since i updated to .4 it doesnt connect to the networks anymroe


Originally posted by aethier
I had been using poisoned since Sarah Lane displayed it on the screen savers, but then ever since i updated to .4 it doesnt connect to the networks anymroe



You need to delete something, I think it was the '.gift' folder... do a search for gift and delete what you find, because .4 Has all new stuff you need to delete the old version's gift stuff.


The new location for the giFT folder (this applies only to the included daemon and should fix the crash on startup bug as well as the issue where giFT wasn't able to connect to any users). If you're not using the included daemon (i.e. you compiled it yourself), giFT still uses the .giFT folder in your homedirectory.
Important: this means you have to set your giFT preferences again, if you use the included daemon.


You also might want to look here:
For Limewire -extra ads and stuff.
Originally posted by coolsoldier
Umm...Acquisition is LimeWire with a pretty interface. If Acquisition is dead, Limewire is also dead.:rolleyes:

huh? wrong. it's just another Gnutella client, and it currently SUCKS and has trouble connecting to anything.
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