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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 23, 2011
Hi guys!

I have a 5Tb sound database (wave files) and I want to share it on the company network that sound database managers could see it.
However, I want to protect my data from unwanted copies.
Ideally, it would be the best if only the database manager could see the files, but no one can through any other file manager like finder or etc. It should be hidden.
What also would be important that the database manager "reveal in Finder" feature will not open a finder or any other file manager window based on the restriction.

What options do I have to do this?


macrumors 6502
Sep 7, 2010
So you want to show all of your sound files, and not allow people to use them? Why? You talk about this as a 5TB database–is this a database or just a bunch files in folders?



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 23, 2011
So you want to show all of your sound files, and not allow people to use them? Why? You talk about this as a 5TB database–is this a database or just a bunch files in folders?


Bunch of files in folders. The program called “sound miner” will scan all the files and make a database file. What I need is to able to reach the files trough the program but not from finder or other file manager where people can make copies.


Jun 13, 2015
The traditional unix way of doing things would be to use permissions--

make a group.
make yourself, and the various persons authorized to access these files members of that group
make that group the owner of your audiofiles.

turn off the permissions for ordinary users.

chmod 770 *.wav

Screen Shot 72.png

is the mac friendly way of displaying

Typhon:~ jeremy$ ls -l D3100*

-rwxrwxr-x 1 jeremy admin 16888601 Jul 14 2011 D3100RM_(En)04.pdf
but there may be other wrinkles I haven't thought of.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 23, 2011
this is maybe difficult for me:/

is it a solution to access the files from a guest account trough the program? maybe not?
so quest need to use the files trough program where they can play them but not allowed to copy them trough finder.


Jan 23, 2010
San Diego, CA USA
Sorry, it is not possible to do this. Especially over the network. The protocol to read the file over the network is the same no matter what program is using it. Theoretically it would be possible to do this locally on your Mac. Other operating systems have this capability. But I don’t know of any way to do it in MacOS even locally.

One other alternative is to have a custom program where it would use a custom protocol to access the data that Finder doesn’t use. But that doesn’t sound like your case.
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