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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 25, 2005
We all know that there are people, who as soon as they get an iPhone are gonna be messing about with the firmware and such. How long do you think it'll take for linux for iPhone to appear?

I give it 2 weeks after launch.
it won't happen, no market, and nobody cares. :D

Someone will care and that someone will be porting Linux to the iPhone. As for anyone else, I don't believe they will. It'll be a trophy, no more than that.

I don't see Linux on the iPod as being terribly useful but it was a victory to get it running.
It would be an interesting nerd project, and I'd love to see it done by someone else for the 'wow' factor. That's it, basically. For $500, I expect extreme functionality and ease of use for a telephony / PDA device. I want it to smack of proprietary software. Linux can play tinker-toy on my 2001 year old Dell, thank you very much! :D
The first thing i thought of when i heard a version of mac os x runs on the iphone was "I wonder how long it'll be untill theres a linux port?"
I give it 2 months. But as somebody already mentioned the real challenge will be getting the touch screen interface to work. If they do that, I will be impressed.

- The Don Ditty (aka Mike)
Neither of those have been detrimental to porting Linux in the past :D

Depends what you define as Detrimental?

Mine are:

1) it costs more for developing Linux OS to be a fully stable (with GUI not just command line) for a smartphone than a server implementation. Remember you still gotta pay knowledgeable ppl Radio's that are compatible and research for your target/mass market. Motorola has been doing it for over 5 years and still its a crippled OS that even the underground developers are struggling with because of the limitations that are hardware without open source knowledge and open source accessibility to that knowledge - proprietory licensing in full effect. Access also has already delayed the Palm OS on LInux a few months even though they too have had 2+ (just over) to work with this.

2) Imatating a GUI is one thing; making it perform just as good or better functionality than what its performing or to enhance user experience is a whole new path. I dont see how Linux can improve on complex tasks that even power users will covet from what those iPhone skins for PPC-PE do for the XDA Neo device > very capable and sheek looking but still not my taste for a powerphone.

3) Cheaper device & development resources doesnt equate to growing coffers or higher profit margin or larger profits. Just ask Sharp over that Zaurus lineup that evolve into the Linux OS devices' very powerful and incredible design ... do you see those evolving and making profits ? No.
This will be really good if they can get Android up and running on the iPhone.

People will finaly be able to get MMS, Copy/Paste and probably a few other things they've been complaining about.
well regardless of your thoughts now...

only a matter of time to they get full support now!

Uhm, let's see here.... no touch screen drivers... no Wifi drivers... no sound... no cell radio... hmm, so they managed to make the iPhone a paperweight that displays a bootloader. I don't count this as a "win," and if even basic functions aren't, well, functional, then I'm not even sure it's "only a matter of time."

oh yeah, and if you do not understand why linux on the iphone will be so useful, dont worry about it, it won't matter to you anyway ;)

This reasoning is exactly why linux continues to have such a paltry user base compared to other platforms. It continually astounds me how linux advocates complain about being marginalized in one breath, and in the next they make statements like this that effectively promote that marginalization.
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