Well, since there wasn't a post like this already, I firgured that I'd go ahead and make one. If you know of any sources not here, please send me a PM and I'll test it out and add it to the list!
EDIT: I'm working on the list right now. I'm having to go through my whole list (I have a much larger list in a TXT) to double check which sources I can add to the list on this site to make sure there are no illegal apps in them. Please be patient!
BigBoss & Planet-iPhones - http://apt.bigboss.us.com/repofiles/cydia/
Hack&Dev.org - http://iphone.hackndev.org/apt/
iFonetec - http://app.ifonetec.com/cydia/
Free Coder - http://iphone.freecoder.org/apt/
ModMyiFone - http://modmyifone.com/repo/
Ste - http://repo.smxy.org/cydia/apt/
Telesphoreo Tangelo - http://apt.saurik.com/
Urban Fanatics - http://urbanfanatics.com/cydia/
ZodTTD - http://zodttd.com/repo/cydia/
Intelliborn - http://intelliborn.com/cydia
Installer 4
RiP Dev - http://i.ripdev.com/
BigBoss's Apps and Things. - http://apptapp.thebigboss.org/repofiles/installer4/
iSpazio Official - http://repo.neolinus.org/ispazio/
Ste Packaging - http://repo.smxy.org/installer4/
andyman repo - http://repo.gafoogle.com [CURRENTLY DOWN]
iModZone - http://imodzone.net/repo/ [CURRENTLY DOWN]
ClubiFone - http://www.clubifone.com/repo/
iPhone-notes.de - http://sendowski.de/iphone/
Again, if you would like me to add a source to the list, send me a PM!
EDIT: I'm working on the list right now. I'm having to go through my whole list (I have a much larger list in a TXT) to double check which sources I can add to the list on this site to make sure there are no illegal apps in them. Please be patient!
BigBoss & Planet-iPhones - http://apt.bigboss.us.com/repofiles/cydia/
Hack&Dev.org - http://iphone.hackndev.org/apt/
iFonetec - http://app.ifonetec.com/cydia/
Free Coder - http://iphone.freecoder.org/apt/
ModMyiFone - http://modmyifone.com/repo/
Ste - http://repo.smxy.org/cydia/apt/
Telesphoreo Tangelo - http://apt.saurik.com/
Urban Fanatics - http://urbanfanatics.com/cydia/
ZodTTD - http://zodttd.com/repo/cydia/
Intelliborn - http://intelliborn.com/cydia
Installer 4
RiP Dev - http://i.ripdev.com/
BigBoss's Apps and Things. - http://apptapp.thebigboss.org/repofiles/installer4/
iSpazio Official - http://repo.neolinus.org/ispazio/
Ste Packaging - http://repo.smxy.org/installer4/
andyman repo - http://repo.gafoogle.com [CURRENTLY DOWN]
iModZone - http://imodzone.net/repo/ [CURRENTLY DOWN]
ClubiFone - http://www.clubifone.com/repo/
iPhone-notes.de - http://sendowski.de/iphone/
Again, if you would like me to add a source to the list, send me a PM!