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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 4, 2008
Well, since there wasn't a post like this already, I firgured that I'd go ahead and make one. If you know of any sources not here, please send me a PM and I'll test it out and add it to the list!

EDIT: I'm working on the list right now. I'm having to go through my whole list (I have a much larger list in a TXT) to double check which sources I can add to the list on this site to make sure there are no illegal apps in them. Please be patient!


BigBoss & Planet-iPhones -
Hack& -
iFonetec -
Free Coder -
ModMyiFone -
Ste -
Telesphoreo Tangelo -
Urban Fanatics -
ZodTTD -
Intelliborn -

Installer 4
RiP Dev -
BigBoss's Apps and Things. -
iSpazio Official -
Ste Packaging -
andyman repo - [CURRENTLY DOWN]
ClubiFone - -

Again, if you would like me to add a source to the list, send me a PM!
if you would like me to add a source to the list, send me a PM!

I took STE off my list, for his incessant use of the "More Information" page not to show you any useful information about the app, (like a screenshot for instance), but to simply beg for donations. It's annoying, and I don't dl any of his stuff because I'm tired of waiting for a freakin preview of an app only to find "Donate! I host [iphone themes other people created] for a living!" Ugh.
I took STE off my list, for his incessant use of the "More Information" page not to show you any useful information about the app, (like a screenshot for instance), but to simply beg for donations. It's annoying, and I don't dl any of his stuff because I'm tired of waiting for a freakin preview of an app only to find "Donate! I host [iphone themes other people created] for a living!" Ugh.

Please tell me that you know that on that donations page there is a link that continues you on to the "more info" page.....
Updated the list with another Cydia source and two Installer 4 sources. Also added the status update on two of the previously added Installer sources.
is the clubifone source working for everyone else?
all i get when trying to download something is:
Unable to decode package more info at (a URL)(different for each package)
quikadanquik make sure you put in the last / or you will get the decode error. Found that out yesterday doing some research i was having the same issues. That cleared it up for me.
hey, I had the same error....go to sources---clubifone, hit refresh button....then try again....that fixed it for me

btw...I am doing this for each app
thanks mercury7
that is a little inconvienient but at least it works

Edit: only for some downloads it is working for me... this is weird
does anyone know if anyone is hosting phonesaber and/or ipint? two apps I lost during the upgrade due to apple no longer hosting them
Hey ElectricMan5 how trustworthy are these sources? Just out of curiosity

There pretty good. Installer has quite a few errors when refreshing them on mine, but for some reason the new apps appear. I think that there still a couple of bugs that need to be worked out of. These sources are great, i think personally. Planet-iPhones might be a little useless, since they only have mods like sliders and batteries, but it might be usefull to some people. These sources all worked for me :)
How do you get these sources onto the installer? Or Cydia?
I'm having lots of trouble navigating through both.

Also installer 4 is what I have installed yet all I can see in the way of help pages are installer 3 tutorials.

Can someone explain the differences, as I hear lots of people saying installer sucks. I wish there was some step by steps available for using cydia/installer once you've jailbreak your phone. I seem to have almost nothing listed under categories.

Installer is still in Beta and not as stable as Cydia. I personally like Cydia better.

All you do is go under manage in Cydia, touch sources, touch edit, touch add, and then enter the URL above.
The clubifone repo has a bunch of pirated app store apps on it, so maybe it shouldn't be on the official list?
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