I checked out the Apple iPhone user guide as found at this link and Apple has documented loads of them. I have put them below because the PDF is quite large -
- Call someone in contacts Say call or dial, then say the name of the
person. If the person has more than one phone number, you can add
home or mobile, for example.
- Dial a number Say call or dial, then say the number.
- Make a correction Say wrong, not that one, not that, no, or
- Control music playback Say play, or play music.
- To pause, say pause, or pause music. You can also say next song or
previous song. Play an album, artist, or playlist Say play, then say
album, artist, or playlist
and the name.
- Shuffle the current playlist Say shuffle.
- Find out more about the currently playing song Say whats playing,
what song is this, who sings this song, or who is this song by.
- Use Genius to play similar songs Say Genius, play more like this, or
play more songs like this.
- Cancel Voice Control Say cancel.
iPhone User guide