I'm looking for a bit of advice from y'all. I came into a beautiful 15" early 2011 MBP a while back, an have hesitated to use it because, well, they die. However, given that this machine is tricked out with 16GB of RAM, an SSD, and the high-res display, I'd really like to get some use out of it, even just for light tasks around the house! I've run the NVRAM command to disable the dGPU so that it won't use it and will instead rely solely on the Intel HD3000, I've cleaned and repasted it, but is there anything else that I can do to stave off death for this machine? It's a beauty and intensely powerful, so I'd love to put it to good use rather than not touching it for fear of killing it.
I appreciate your tips and tricks
I appreciate your tips and tricks