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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 17, 2006
Hi, i am a really begginer when it comes dslr's but i want to take some photos of a jazz band tommorow. I will be using a Canon 400d. I have the choice of the stock 18-55mm canon lense, a tamron 70-300mm or a tamron 28-80mm.Which should i use and what are some basic settings for shooting in dimly light areas.
Thanks anyway.
Here is the place.


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macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
The fastest lens you have is best, unless it's way too wide to get close enough. Jack up the ISO to 800 or so and you'll have a better chance of getting quality shots.


macrumors 65816
how can i tell which is the fastest?

It's the one that has the lowest number of aperture.

I must say that there are a number of questions that you need to ask yourself before you pick a lens. First off where are you going to be sitting. A 50mm f/1.8 lens will not do you much good if you're in the back of the room. Also, fast glass is nice, but consider what you want your shots to be like. Larger aperture (smaller f number) will give you faster shutter speed, but it will also decrease your depth of field. Having a Canon 400D is nice in that you can safely crank up the ISO to 1600, without too much noise.
Think about how you want to capture things- a close up on one of the band members? A slow-speed, dreamy shot of the entire scene. Capture one of the band members jumping off a speaker in mid air? Pre-meditate all this, and then go with the lens that will give you the most flexibility for that.


macrumors 601
Feb 27, 2005
...Pre-meditate all this, and then go with the lens that will give you the most flexibility for that.

I think he is asking how he would go about choosing the best lens for the application in the general situation... :confused:

I'd offer advice, but I'm not nearly as well versed as half the people here in this forum when it comes to photography.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 17, 2006
i can be as close as a metre away so distance isnt really an option. so a fast iso but what setting on the dial? and what appeture?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
I was actually about to write a fairly mean reply, but then I figured that the camera probably isn't yours (or at least i hope it isn't). In terms of the dial, I'd say set it to aperture priority (is that Tv in Canon-speak?) and if that doesn't work just go straight to manual and play with settings until you get something you like.


macrumors 601
Feb 27, 2005
I was actually about to write a fairly mean reply, but then I figured that the camera probably isn't yours (or at least i hope it isn't). In terms of the dial, I'd say set it to aperture priority (is that Tv in Canon-speak?) and if that doesn't work just go straight to manual and play with settings until you get something you like.
...What's with the grumpiness in the air... :(


macrumors 6502
Aug 17, 2006
^^ True that, why even mention that. Even if the camera is his, maybe he got it passed down to him.


macrumors 65816
That, and moreover, aperture priority is, ironically enough Av. Tv is shutter.

But seriously, epicwelshman... why would you have something mean to say, or even want to say it? We all started somewhere. andy5000 is obviously a novice photographer, and is asking an earnest question hoping to get some direction, and possibly learn something. A mean reply would a). discourage novices from posing even simple questions b). make you look like an a$$hole c). impede the learning progress of us all. You alone would be responsible for the downfall of civilization... (or maybe I went too far, but you get the gist).

Andy- OK, it's good that you can get as close as you want to the stage. In your case, I would stick with the kit lens, as that would be the ideal focal range for your needs. Stick the camera dial to Av (aperture priority). What that allows you to do is change the depth of field, as well as how much light is passing through the back of the lens. Essentially the lowest number (3.5 at 18mm and 5.6 at 55mm) allow the most light in, allow for faster shutter speed (so you don't get camera shake), and will produce an image that will have a small depth of field. What that means is that you will have only one person in focus, or only their face, or a guitar in focus. Everything else will be a soft blur. This is great for isolating parts of the image you want. As you increase the number (decrease the aperture), you will start getting images where the rest of the background (i.e. other band members, stage) is in focus. What this will lead to, however, is a slower shutter speed, which may cause shake (I have decent hands, and I can hand-hold to about 1/50 or faster). Lets say you want one of those shots (at say f/11), but your camera tells you that you'll be shooting for 1/20 of a second. What you'll want to do there is go to your menu and increase the ISO until you get decent speeds. You'll want to shoot at the lowest possible ISO, as higher ISO leads to image noise, but with the camera you have it's really not that big a deal. Hope this helps.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 17, 2006
Cheers Lovesong, the camera is my i said i am a beginner, i want to learn how to take decent shots in the view to buy my own dslr, being only 18 that means saving up a bit.The photos arent going to be published its for my own collection, so if they dont turn out great not to worry.will post some shots if i get any decent ones.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
Guys, I'm sorry. You're right, I did look like an a$$hole. I'm in the middle of packing up my apartment to move and I'm seriously stressed out, but I shouldn't have taken it out on the OP. There are a number of good people on the boards here who do help people out a lot, and I don't mean to discourage anyone from asking any kind of question. Once again, my apologies.


macrumors 65816
Guys, I'm sorry. You're right, I did look like an a$$hole. I'm in the middle of packing up my apartment to move and I'm seriously stressed out, but I shouldn't have taken it out on the OP. There are a number of good people on the boards here who do help people out a lot, and I don't mean to discourage anyone from asking any kind of question. Once again, my apologies.

No harm, no foul, brother.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 17, 2006
No worries. I got like 1 decent shot out the 200 i took in 3 hours:S need to do a bit more research i think and take a tripod cause my hands were rather shakey.some will look ok after a bit of photoshoping and probably put them into b&w


macrumors 601
Feb 27, 2005
I just took some of these last weekend... Not up to par by my own standards, but it was the first time I shot a live show. The lighting was hellish, and I didn't like the angels I was getting.






I shot most of these just using auto setting, with no flash. But out of about 40 shots, only maybe 10 turned out decent.


macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2003
Plymouthbreezer, it looks like you had the flash going on all those shots.

Here is a few shots I have taken at local shows with no flash. To the OP, my advice would be to start with the largest apeture you can (f3.5) on Ap priority with no flash. This will let you capture the color and mood of the lighting. If you want to get more of a sense of motion use a smaller apeture (higher number). Take as many pictures as you can. For most shows I take 350 to 400 photos during a 40 minute set.


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