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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 1, 2020
Hi there!

So I've been doing some house keeping of my photo libraries. I've found that about 80% of 'Live Photos' from a roughly 1/2 year period have created their own small 2/4 second video clip alongside the live photo itself. - Ie you've see your selection of photos you can hover over that will play a video - but these videos are being duplicated into their own little file.

The live photos themselves don't seem to be broken but they've created their own additional thousands of 2 second videos... Anyway has anyone had this happen before and is there a quicker way to clean it up?

I'm not 100% but I may have used Image Capture to rip the photos from an iPhone 6 & 7 and then into Photos - pretty sure I wasn't using iPhoto still in late '16 - '17 where the majority of effected files are from.
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