I just ordered a 13” MBP with 512 GB storage. I’m coming from an iMac where I had 1 TB and plenty of USB ports I could keep hard drives connected to. Now that I’m moving to a more mobile setup with smaller storage, I’m curious how others get by. I could just offload a bunch of files I don’t need quick access to onto external drives. That seems the cheapest option. But not the most convenient when I need to access those files. So I’ve been thinking about cloud storage. Originally considering the 2TB iCloud option, but not sure it’s the best choice for this situation? Maybe Dropbox? Basically I just want to be able to not have all my files on my actual Mac, but still be able to access them easily without having to remember which drive I have it on and hoping I’ve got the right dongles for connecting, and hoping I even have it with me if I’m on the go. iCloud sounds good since I only ever use Apple products anyways, and it’s my understanding that it just automatically offloads less used files when storage gets full. I like that idea in theory. But not sure how well it actually works. Anyone have some input?