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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 14, 2008
I upgraded to a 64GB XR from a 64GB 6S Plus last month. I have had custom ringtones for most of the time I had an iPhone (9 years). I restored from backup to my new XR w/ custom ringtones. The "Tones" folder in iTunes shows 0 ringtones installed, but custom ringtones are on the XR (from the backup).

In "Tones" when I add a custom ringtone via cut/paste or drag, the ringtones I did not have installed on the backup show up fine. When trying to add custom ringtones that are currenty on the XR, I get the" grey ringtone dotted circle of death".

I went into the phone via iFunBox and deleted the ringtones, reboot iTunes, reboot the device, etc. I go back into iTunes and ttansfer custom ringtones in "Tones" with no success. Same issue, custom ringtones not on device from backup are fine, but the custom ringtones that were there from backup I get the grey circle.

Any suggestions? Based on google searches seems like a lot of people have this issue, but the videos, articles etc are from last year and last ver iTunes. Pls help.
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