Yea my schools network and computers suck like anything and they were only bought last year from mdg, horrible computers, so slowww
Wow, I feel spoiled now, my school gave teachers a choice between a cart of 25 maxed out macbooks, or 25 17" Dell XPS laptops for their rooms, in addition to the 10 Dell xps workstations per classroom... We had awesome computers. And the arts department got 16 core mac pro's.
We had BBC's when I was at school, and considered ourselves lucky....
When I was at school in the 1960's I remember my physics teacher coming in to school with a Sinclair Calculator... It could only do + * \ - and = but for the time, we had never seen anything like it!!!
i loved these! used to play nature park adventure, and use LOGO was it? either of those ring a bell?
Whoa!And the arts department got 16 core mac pro's.
And the arts department got 16 core mac pro's.
My elementary school used (AND STILL USES AS THE ONLY COMPUTERS IN THE CLASSROOM) various models of the Apple ][ line.
...all of them, every single one of them, running XP!
I'm no Apple fanboy, I've got a whole array of computers from past and present running Windows, my Samsung netbook runs XP like a charm....but still.
We had BBC's when I was at school, and considered ourselves lucky....
Whoa!Where do you find those Mac Pros?
Sucks for you, we have about 40 mac pros loaded with CS3, pro tools, and all kinds of other fancy crap.
Sucks for you! My school gives each student 2 Maxed out Mac Pros (one for class, one to take to the dorm), each with 2 30 inch Cinema Displays with CS4, Pro Tools, and Final Cut Studio!