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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 23, 2007
This should be an easy question to answer, or so I thought... I can't find anything good. Except keepass which is not really made for mac (and I don't even know how to install). I realize there is a "macpass" on github, but I'm not sure how secure that is as it seems to be maintained by a single developer.

1password has vaults, but stupidly you can't set a second password for them. Useless.

Lastpass and dashlane require an email signup.

Is there anything else available that simply allows me to have multiple databases of passwords locally, each protected with their own password? (Without online account creation). I find it very strange that there doesn't appear to be (on mac).



macrumors 603
Aug 5, 2008
San Jose, CA
This should be an easy question to answer, or so I thought... I can't find anything good. Except keepass which is not really made for mac (and I don't even know how to install). I realize there is a "macpass" on github, but I'm not sure how secure that is as it seems to be maintained by a single developer.
Try KeepassXC (an open source project forked from KeepassX).


macrumors 601
Jan 1, 2011
L.A. (Lower Alabama)
You can always use a little trick left over from Palm days. Back up your database. Reset your database. South in with the password for the second database and restore. It takes a few minutes, but you can use as many databases as you want this way. And on any app.


macrumors 65816
May 24, 2009
1Password vaults are databases. Each can have it's own password.

On my system I have both my and my wife's password vaults and can switch between them easily or have 1Password allow combined access.

While KeePass does not have a native application it is not too hard to install Mono (it allows .Net apps to run under Linux/Unix/BSD) or WINE. Never card for WINE during my Linux days.

Between the two, and I use both (KeePass at work on iOS) and 1Password for personal use on OS X (macOS) and iOS, I would purchase the stand alone version of 1Password.
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