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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 3, 2017
Toronto, Ontario
Greetings all!!

After several months of development, we're thrilled to announce the release of our App Localization Wizard, LocalizeWiz.

This app is intended for iOS and macOS app developers who want to localize their apps for international markets.

Being an app developer myself, I have always been frustrated by the process of localizing my apps. If you've ever built an app, you'd know what a pain localization can be. The localization workflow is at best, tedious, and worst, nearly impossible, and also very costly.

LocalizeWiz aims to make app localization a breeze. Works simply as follows:
1. You add your Xcode project folders
2. LocalizeWiz scans for strings files and sets them up for localization.
3. You select the languages you want to support... And that's it!

Your app content in strings files is then localized into all your selected locales. As you continue building your app, you add and remove strings from your strings files. Any changes you make to your strings files are detected and automatically localized to all selected locales. Works like magic. You don't have to keep track of what's old and what's new.


Without further ado... Presenting LocalizeWiz!!
Download it for free from the Mac App Store:
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