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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 30, 2019
Please excuse poor use of this forum. I'm having great difficulty finding an answer to my challenge.

I have a recently purchased iPhone 11, and my phone is consistently displaying the white arrow notification that my location is being shared - that in itself is not the issue.

I'm very diligent with the settings of my location services. For some reason, my phone will display the white arrow notification, but will not indicate which app/service is using that location - no purple arrows. I have had the white arrow display while in the "location settings" panel(s), and nothing comes up.

I have no way of knowing which app/service is using that location - it works just fine for all other services (Waze, Find My iPhone, etc.). Any source I use to figure this out just tells me the basics of location services, and does not answer my question.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 15, 2006
Welcome to Macrumors.

Being your first day on the forum, we have to put you through a bit of hazing before answering your questions.

In regards to your issues, you're probably holding it wrong.

There, you've been hazed. Real answers to come soon.

I believe other's are having the same issue as well as seen in the iOS 13.1.2 thread that I don't know how to link.
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