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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 27, 2017

I’m on a brand-new 16-inch MacBook Pro 2021, and Logic Pro 10.7.4 keeps freezing when running third party plugins. These plugins are actually optimized for Apple Silicon.

Whenever I try to open, close, or even just move a third party plugin up or down in a mixer-channel, I’m getting a 5 minute long spinning beach ball and a freeze. Logic doesn’t respond to any mouse or keyboard input during this, while the project just keeps on playing. This happens both in native and Rosetta2 mode.

I doubt the projects I’m running are too heavy, as my older 15-inch MacBook Pro from 2017 runs them fine without any hiccups.

I’ve also made a test project in 10.7.4, consisting of just one mixer-channel running about 7 to 8 plugins. Even then the same problem occurs. I can’t close or move any plugin as Logic Pro will freeze again.

Remarkably, when I open the same projects in Logic Pro 10.5.1 through Rosetta2, they run perfectly, so it doesn’t seem like it’s a hardware related issue.

I’m running a fresh MacOS installation btw, not a Time Machine backup.

Anyone else having this problem? If so, have you found a fix?
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macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2021
Lancashire UK
Copy/pasting my response from a similar thread, there are, from my personal experience, still an absolute sh-tload of problems associated with using external plugins with M1 Logic, even those which have been re-coded for M1. I don't see this stabilising for another year at least. The solution, as you have found out, is to open an older Intel-version of Logic via Rosetta.
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