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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 8, 2012
Driving me nuts this, though it could be an easy fix but nothing online worked. I had on one track my 4 minute microphone recording. Then I wanted on a second track to import an audio file with some background music on it. When I imported the 9 minute music file it shrunk it down to around 3 minutes. When I played the tracks my spoken audio was hyper sped up, as was the background music. I tried to stretch the audio file, which helped, but my ruler was set to a fixed distance and couldn't stretch any further.

I'm thinking I have a few issues

1. Don't know what setting to use so that future audio files import at their actual length.
2. Ruler won't change to time from bars. (Google say control clicking it should bring the option up but it doesn't)
3. Don't know how to edit an audio track by simply typing in the length I want it to be at if necessary.

Anyone good with Logic Pro X and able to help with any of these? Just got it today and spent ages trying to fix my mic/AI setup to do basic stuff. Kinda burned out now!
maybe it's matching the tempo of the project which might be different? You could play with the project tempo as well. Just guessing here, but I vaguely recall having to select an option to import audio without matching the tempo at one time.

Alternatively, maybe start a blank project, drag and drop the audio, make sure it's the right tempo, then bounce it as an apple loop. Sometimes I've found it easier to work with audio files in the loop browser to match a project. You could also try manually adding the audio file to the apple loops folder in your home music folder, although you may need to reindex for it to come up.
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