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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 29, 2012
Hello all,

I am having trouble coming up with a concept for Iron Bound Designs. I have seemed to have picked myself a design name that is annoyingly difficult to design for. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I'd consider something looking similar to this. Maybe have the lid cracked a little and a bright light shining out.
No offense, but this sounds like "give me some ideas, I don't want to think about it." You very well may have done a bunch of work on it, but without showing some examples of what you've explored it doesn't seem like it.

That being said, sounds like you need to step back do some brainstorming. I've found the methods discussed in Logo Design Love pretty effective, the chapter where he covers this topic is free online and well worth a read.
It sounds like a concept rich in possibilities.

Any thing with chains


clapped in irons




What kind of feedback do you expect, when you have failed to tell anyone what the business is?!
This design will get you started on your own Iron Bound Designs.
Please consider the use of the Myriad Pro font as a classy way to stat your new bussiness.

There's nothing better than showing how Iron Bound is your people attitude at work, therefore a visual image to please even the most inconsiderate critics.


  • Untitled-1.jpg
    138.2 KB · Views: 126
Good start ... but he needs a bigger codpiece.

Ut-oh! Pedobear is disturbed.


  • ironBound.jpg
    123.6 KB · Views: 142
Hello all,

I am having trouble coming up with a concept for Iron Bound Designs. I have seemed to have picked myself a design name that is annoyingly difficult to design for. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

When all else fails try combining the capitals... IBD
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