We really need to make a new FAQ/sticky in the Design and Graphics section called "FAQ: Conceptual help vs. Billable help: Spec Work and You!" or something equally cheesy but honest.
To the OP, if you haven't yet realized, you seem to be asking for billable help.
If it was conceptual help, such as, "What file formats are logos usually made with for a company that will have a website and printed matter?
What programs do you guys use to design logos? What makes a good logo for an online company? How do you conceive a logo for a company? How do you develop an identity for a corporation that sells a huge conglomeration of products?" etc etc, then that would be different.
As it were, being billable help, you were asking "How would you design this company's logo? Can I have some of your expert ideas for free? Can you design one for me? My friend asked me to make him a logo and he's the rich guy running this business/the guy suckered into an MLM who needs help/I'm in over my head and I want someone to do the work for me." (Okay, that last part is just me guessing because this happens here a lot.)
But in your defense, you clearly did not know how inappropriate this was. I suggest you take a look at the following website and spend a few minutes reading and learning about what it is to be a designer, what their work entails, and the ethical ways to ask for design consultation and/or to employ the expert skill and creativity of a professional designer: