i'm not trying to jump in on other people's conversations, but i've been a graphic designer for quite some time, and i must say that i've always leaned on others. It's not about stealing ideas, it's about working together to come up with a better one. Bouncing ideas off of one another. Having no one else's opinon usually leads to crazy, unjustified ideas. In general, for me as a designer, i don't know best, the client deosn't know best, other designers don't know best, and the target audience doesn't know best...all those things combined know best. Pefect example, i designed a logo, thought it was the perfect solution, showed to another designer, he thought it should be a little different, so i changed it a little bit, with his recommendation, and showed it to the client. They hated it. So i went back, altered it some more, showed it to that same other designer, he didn't like one of the shapes and thought the colors were too bright. I disagreed with the color thing, but i got the idea of it, so i showed it to the client again, and they loved it. It's about collaboration, and working together. Turns out, i showed the original one i did (that i loved) and everyone i showed it to thought it looked like a penis, i never saw that because i was too close to it. Could you imagine...presenting a penis to a client?