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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 29, 2015
I'm trying to run a logout script to empty users' trash (and am planning to add to it later to try to whittle down the size of some of the Google caches). But I can't get the script to run. I have read the Apple article that says Login/Logout hooks are depreciated, but they should still run.

I created a file in /Library/Scripts, and set permissions to allow all to execute. The script does empty the trash when I manually run it in Terminal, whether logged in as admin, a standard user, or guest.

I used
sudo defaults write LoginHook
to create the hook and looked at the
file to verify that the hook was created.

All seems to be good, but it doesn't run. Help, please!
It might be a typo or you simply forgot to include it but the syntax is :

sudo defaults write LoginHook /path/to/script

Use the same procedure to add or remove a logout hook, but type LogoutHook instead of LoginHook.

Your example doesn't use /path/to/script or LogoutHook.
Thanks. I did include the correct path and LogoutHook in my defaults write. And I checked that the plist was created. To be complete, here is the contents of /var/root/Library/Preferences/

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
	<key>NSWindow Frame ProcessPanel</key>
	<string>787 569 346 293 0 0 1920 1057 </string>
	<string>Shut Down</string>

Sorry to leave that out of the original post!
Please post the output from the following commands:
ls -ld /Library/scripts/
ls -l  /Library/scripts/

Copy and paste from the Terminal window into a reply. Accuracy is important.

Also, post the complete script.
#! /bin/bash
rm -rf ~/.Trash/*

In Terminal, ls -ld /Library/scripts/ produces:
drwxr-xr-x  11 root  wheel  374 26 Jan 14:05 /Library/scripts/

and ls -l /Library/scripts/ produces:
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 root  wheel  30 26 Jan 14:23 /Library/scripts/
#! /bin/bash
rm -rf ~/.Trash/*

In Terminal, ls -ld /Library/scripts/ produces:
drwxr-xr-x  11 root  wheel  374 26 Jan 14:05 /Library/scripts/

and ls -l /Library/scripts/ produces:
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 root  wheel  30 26 Jan 14:23 /Library/scripts/

The 'ls' output looks ok, but the use of ~ in the script concerns me.

Login and logout scripts run as root (see the reference docs linked in post #1). This may mean that HOME is set to root's home or at least not to the specific user's home. If HOME is for root, then ~/.Trash/* won't be what you want.

You need to discover what ~ evaluates to when the script is run at logout.

A simple way to get that is to change the script to echo ~/ to a shared file somewhere. E.g.:
echo ~/ >>/Users/Shared/logout_twiddle.txt
If HOME and ~ refer to root, then also check $1. According to the docs, that's the short username being logged in or out. E.g.:
echo "twiddle:" ~/ >>/Users/Shared/logout_twiddle.txt
echo "args:" "$@" >>/Users/Shared/logout_twiddle.txt
You could also use the 'set' command to list all the shell vars, again appending to a shared file.

All the above comes from the first rule of debugging: Confirm Your Expectations.
Thanks, chown33, this is (I think) putting me on the right track. I had read that scripts ran as root, but thought that just meant with root permissions.

When I ran
echo ~/ >>/Users/Shared/logout_twiddle.txt

in my logoutscript I got

When I ran
echo /Users/$1/.Trash/* >>/Users/Shared/logout_twiddle.txt

I got instead

But when I run the following in my logoutscript the trash is not emptied.
#! /bin/bash
rm -rf /Users/$1/.Trash/*

What am I missing?

I'm very new to shell scripting, and very much appreciate your help!
Put the following in your logoutscript. Post the complete actual output from the resulting file.
id  >>/Users/Shared/logouts.txt
ls -ld /Users/"$1"/.Trash/*  >>/Users/Shared/logouts.txt
ls -la /Users/"$1"  >>/Users/Shared/logouts.txt

It's entirely possible your per-user trash is empty. There's more than one trash folder on a disk. You might be looking in the wrong one.
Chown33, you have pointed me far enough in the right direction so that I finally saw what should have been obvious: my user accounts are on a network volume and I needed to prefix the path with /Network/Servers/myservername, e.g.
rm -rf /Network/Servers/myservername/Students/"$1"/.Trash/*

The script now works as expected. The key was being able to debug the script using >> to append output to a file. That's handy! Many thanks!
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