Okay so my girlfriend's iPhone got stolen and I had this idea for an app. I am not a developer, but it seems that all of this is totally possible - how difficult? I don't know. It would be a MobileSubstrate extension so it doesn't kill your battery. Basically you can send SMS commands to your phone, with a coded instruction to do certain things like record audio, take pictures, and gather GPS information and email it to whatever email address you want.
Set a password like 12345
Then the basic syntax could be something like:
[password] [services] [flags] [response method:address]
Then you could send something like this to your phone incase you lost it or if it got stolen:
12345 GPS mailto:thegeneral@mac.com
And it would see the text message, auto delete it so the thief doesn't see the text message, gather GPS coordinates and then email them to the email address. Or you could do:
12345 GPS txt:6618675309
And it could text back a Google Maps link to you.
Or you could do:
12345 trackGPS time=120 txt:6618675309
And it will send you txt updates every 2 minutes with a Google Maps link.
The password could be whatever you want, the service could be audio, photo, GPS and trackGPS. The response method could be email or txt.
Would anyone be interested in developing this? Oh god it would be awesome.
Set a password like 12345
Then the basic syntax could be something like:
[password] [services] [flags] [response method:address]
Then you could send something like this to your phone incase you lost it or if it got stolen:
12345 GPS mailto:thegeneral@mac.com
And it would see the text message, auto delete it so the thief doesn't see the text message, gather GPS coordinates and then email them to the email address. Or you could do:
12345 GPS txt:6618675309
And it could text back a Google Maps link to you.
Or you could do:
12345 trackGPS time=120 txt:6618675309
And it will send you txt updates every 2 minutes with a Google Maps link.
The password could be whatever you want, the service could be audio, photo, GPS and trackGPS. The response method could be email or txt.
Would anyone be interested in developing this? Oh god it would be awesome.