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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 30, 2010
I dont have an immediate need for an iMac, but I would like to get one.

Macrumor's buyer guide says that it is approaching the end of a cycle. I was wondering if the next cycle is a good time to buy, because I know that sometimes the new model coming out is using aging tech, that will be replaced by a whole new motherboard system or something the following revision.
We don't know what the next revision brings, and we don't know what the revision after that brings.

The current iMacs offer C2D and i5/7 desktop CPUs, the next one will probably offer them too, just with a higher clock speed.
Or maybe the 21.5" will also get the i5/ CPUs. No one really knows, except Apple and its affiliates connected in the production with the iMac.

If you need the iMac, buy it. If not, wait til your face is blue. Because there will always be new technology involved, as even the C2D in the current iMac was kinda new when the new iMacs were introduced. The C2D is just based on an older technology. Nothing more. Cars still use the same principles as they did 10 years ago, or whenever they were invented. They just get fancier.
I'd wait for the next generation, better CPU, better GPU, likely a SSD option.

next generation, as in this coming revision?

I just remember reading a few years ago how iMacs were getting a new revision with like some motherboard thing, but then the whole new generation of intel motherboards came out early in the lifecycle and didn't make their way until the next revision.

thing is I plan on selling my macbook pro now that I have an iPad, and my mom has an iMac she never uses, but it is slightly dated hardware.
Just go to an Apple store and play around with a few and decided which one is best for you. My mother is finally about to get rid of her 8 year old piece of crap HP and for her the 21.5" iMac is all she will ever need. She have never seem a Mac let along used one but she is starting to pick up the basics after a few weeks.

As soon stated above you will always be behind in technology even when you walk out of a store with a new Mac.
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