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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 22, 2009
Brisbane, Australia
Hi guys im a long time troller first time poster, I've been a windows user for many many many years now, and i want to get onto the apple bandwagon!
I had a quick play with one and i fell in love with it

I'm from australia, and i checked out the apple store for iMacs, the one i am looking to purchase is the iMac 24" 3.06ghz for $2999 ($au)

Just looking to see what this machine is exactly like? As i done a fair bit of reading on them, and looked on YouTube for video reviews but it was very very limited on finding what i wanted for this machine..

What is it like with games? I know i would need bootcamp to play some of them as i dont really use the PC much for gaming anymore i more so use my ps3 as i enjoy playing that a lot more,

But how is it with multi tasking? and things a like?

thanks in advance :):apple:
Since it's the highend iMac with amazing specs, I'd say it would do just fine multi-tasking, in fact, it can multi-task far better than most PC's.
And game's aren't a Mac's best, but they should be able to run smooth since you're getting the 3.06 iMac.

If you can, I would recommend waiting until it's upgraded, which is expected to be soon.
thanks for the input,

I was looking to purchsing one in a few months as i have to sell this one first (even though its close to high end im over it)

But things in the US/Everywhere else in the world get released way before we recieve them here in australia which is crap!

Or do apple normally do world wide launch?

Would the 3.06ghz processor be powerful enough for programs such as, ableton live, reason, and cubase (music producing software)

as if i were to purchase this one i would get 4gb ram,
Your not a troller your a lurker :) I have seen the 3.06 Imac and its a beast and I am sure it will eat anything you throw at at. However I am not really sure what your going to be doing with it, if you could be a bit more specific I am sure that you will get some good answers.

To give you an idea I switched over from PC to mac a couple of weeks ago. I went with the Mac Book with a 2.0 C2D in the stock config and a Mini upgraded to 4 gigs of ram and a C2D. Eventhough the mini is using two year old tech it is much faster than any other system I have used that was windows based. I have used it for video editing and some other basic stuff. You will find that eventhough Macs dont appear to be as loaded on the hardware as their windows counterparts they really dont need to be. They seem to be much more efficient machines.
I am not really sure what your going to be doing with it, if you could be a bit more specific I am sure that you will get some good answers.

Basically what it will mostly be used for is, producing music time to time! Basic+Intermediate photoshopping (cs4)
Videoing, Images, Surfing, Audio, (some games where they run good)
Basically what it will mostly be used for is, producing music time to time! Basic+Intermediate photoshopping (cs4)
Videoing, Images, Surfing, Audio, (some games where they run good)

Then a Mac is right for you!
They are basically made for all that stuff.
And as a little historic note, I believe Photoshop was originally Mac only.

As to when Austrailia gets stuff, I believe Apple usually does worldwide launches to a wide range of countries.
And the will most likey be an upgrade between Macrch and the end of June so a new one may be out by the time you want go get it.
sounds great!

and do you think in your own personal opinion that it would actually be a lot more powerful and quicker then a 3.06ghz?
and have a better gfx card?
I would say yes to both - I can't remember a time when Apple hasn't increased the processing power during these kinds of hardware updates (except for the latest refresh for the white MacBook, which saw a slight reduction). As for the graphics, I'd expect a bump to what the current MacBook line exhibits at the very least.
Price Increase for Australians

Yes, but we Australians must be aware of the exchange rate, it has depreciated down to around $0.65 cents! it use to be around $0.95 cents (US) HENCE when Apple DOES release these new iMacs they MAY bump the price up (on top of any default iMac price increases due to new hardware and specs). I believe the $2999 price tag has been as such for ever sicne the aluminium iMac came out, hence since the depreciation the price will go UP cause now US items are now MORE expensive for Australians to buy.

ALSO i want the SAME iMac as you !! but i am freaking out about whether to wait and be prepared to pay $500 - $1000 MORE or buy now at possibly lower price, however have an old model when the new ones come out???

If only i knew whether they would increase price dramatically, ;( cause if they dont i will wait. And i also hope they DONT remove glossy screen and DONT change design too much, cause i love it as it is right now.
HOWEVER i think i will wait because when the new ones come out, if dearer i guess the old ones (if you can find them safely on the net) will decrease in price? so i will wait i think.
Yes, but we Australians must be aware of the exchange rate, it has depreciated down to around $0.65 cents! it use to be around $0.95 cents (US) HENCE when Apple DOES release these new iMacs they MAY bump the price up (on top of any default iMac price increases due to new hardware and specs). I believe the $2999 price tag has been as such for ever sicne the aluminium iMac came out, hence since the depreciation the price will go UP cause now US items are now MORE expensive for Australians to buy.

ALSO i want the SAME iMac as you !! but i am freaking out about whether to wait and be prepared to pay $500 - $1000 MORE or buy now at possibly lower price, however have an old model when the new ones come out???

If only i knew whether they would increase price dramatically, ;( cause if they dont i will wait. And i also hope they DONT remove glossy screen and DONT change design too much, cause i love it as it is right now.

If you like the current design and am scared of a price rise then I'd just get it now. If there's a radical design change (even though I doubt it, it could happen) you'll be kicking yourself because you could've gotten the computer you wanted much earlier. The current iMac line is fine as it is, I wouldn't let things like ever-so-slight processor bumps worry me or make me feel as if my computer is 'outdated' (christ, at the moment there's still three more iMac models that are 'better' than mine :p [I have the current low-end model] but, as far as I'm concerned, it's perfect for what I need).
As you lordsion i really love the look and design of that current model we are both after 24" 3.06ghz, and im pretty much in the same boat
I would go buy one in a month time or so, but wouldn't want something to come out 14days later that is close to the same price but better specs, im sure the CPU in the 3.06ghz is great and has enough power, but the thing that would make me be upset if another one came out is if they bring one out with a higher end video card...

But hypothetically speaking guys, how long do u think the 3.06ghz would last for before comes to the point where u think its slow and sluggish?

roughly in a year to year time frame ?
You could always hold off for the new models and if they do have a price increase then get a refurb 3.06 for less.

This is the approach i am taking as the £ has plummeted recently (could see a £180 price increase on the top of the line imac in the uk).

Hopefully the prices won't be re-aligned though and i can get the one i want.
As you lordsion i really love the look and design of that current model we are both after 24" 3.06ghz, and im pretty much in the same boat
I would go buy one in a month time or so, but wouldn't want something to come out 14days later that is close to the same price but better specs, im sure the CPU in the 3.06ghz is great and has enough power, but the thing that would make me be upset if another one came out is if they bring one out with a higher end video card...

But hypothetically speaking guys, how long do u think the 3.06ghz would last for before comes to the point where u think its slow and sluggish?

roughly in a year to year time frame ?

Well, you have to realize that the iMacs were last updated in April of last year (ie an eternity in computer years). So that is like 10 months already off its lifespan.

Also, keep in mind that if you buy it now (and becuase Apple never changes their price points), you would be paying full price for what is now "old". The iMac is long overdue for an update.
I'm Australian too and really need an iMac!
I'm pretty sure Apple usually releases their new products worldwide at the same time, so I'm holding out hoping it will come out very soon!
I feel like a whole part of my life (the creative part) is being completely held back! I need a Mac! :D
I'm in the same boat as the OP, and am also planning on investing on the top-spec 3.06 GHz model. I seriously doubt they'll be released tomorrow (24 Feb, although it'd be great if I'm wrong). Being in Canada, hopefully the new iMacs will hit the Apple Stores here at or about the same time as the US.
yeah just wait it out and if your a student use education discount if it works in Australia don't know :p
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