I am looking to buy a new digital camera in the $400 - $500 range. I prefer something that has at least 10x zoom, at least 6MP, and is of good quality.
Right now, I have a Canon PowerShot S50, and I am happy with everything about it, except for its zoom. My father has a Dimage, and I like most things about it, except for its poor macro-focusing.
I'll be using this mostly for snapshots. My fiance and I like to canoe, take photos of places we visit, and stuff like that.
So far, my first candidate is the Canon PowerShot S3-IS. It has received great reviews. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16830120043
Any other suggestions?
Right now, I have a Canon PowerShot S50, and I am happy with everything about it, except for its zoom. My father has a Dimage, and I like most things about it, except for its poor macro-focusing.
I'll be using this mostly for snapshots. My fiance and I like to canoe, take photos of places we visit, and stuff like that.
So far, my first candidate is the Canon PowerShot S3-IS. It has received great reviews. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16830120043
Any other suggestions?