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Chubby Cox

macrumors member
Original poster
May 2, 2004
I've been trying to find a compact messenger-style bag that I can use to carry my 12" Powerbook, Sony A100 with a lens attached and maybe one or two other lenses or a flash. I'd like to have something small, but have been having trouble- most messenger bags made for laptop + camera temp to be massive and would fit a 17" MBP. Something like the Tamrac Adventure 4 is around the size I'd like, but it would have to be an inch or so thicker to fit the PB. Something like the Lowepro Stealth Reporter 550, on the other hand, is too thick and seems uncomfortable.

Do any of you know if there's a happy middle ground somewhere? I defintely don't want a backpack and I can't say I find the sling-style bags particularly any of you have any suggestions?


macrumors member
May 23, 2007
check out crumpler usa...i KNOW they have what u are looking for (just cant remember the name)

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
Tenba Gear... What you need, but HEAVY

I was looking for a bag like that for my 15" book and found the perfect one at Tenba ( but the bag was thick (well protected) and heavy when loaded with three lenses a pro body, my book, and a few accessories. It held everything perfectly and snug... but it was heavy... and no mere human should ever have that much weight going across their body at such an angle.

You might have better luck with the 12" book. Check the image below.
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