Hey guys,
I'm looking to set up a website for my self and a few guys and i'm looking for a web designer who would be able to make it. Please just PM me on these forums if you're interested
Basically what I'm looking for is:
An online calendar where the view is set on monthly formats (exactly like the view of ical when it's set to view by month). I want an easy way for myself to enter in information in there.
The information i enter, will be hyperlinked to another page where i'd provide further details
Also all the information that has been entered, once in the past, should enable a star rating (0-5 stars) as well as enable me to blog about it (if you click the link on it, it will go onto my own blogging system)
Once i blog about a past event, i want users to be able to rate the event and comment about it
More details will be provided upon request i think this all makes sense. I have drafts i've drawn up..
How much do u think something like this will cost?
I just need it to be easy for me to update the information, enter information in the calendar, write the blogs and add pictures to each of my blogs etc
and i want the other guys that come on to be able to easily enter into my calendar.
I'm looking to set up a website for my self and a few guys and i'm looking for a web designer who would be able to make it. Please just PM me on these forums if you're interested
Basically what I'm looking for is:
An online calendar where the view is set on monthly formats (exactly like the view of ical when it's set to view by month). I want an easy way for myself to enter in information in there.
The information i enter, will be hyperlinked to another page where i'd provide further details
Also all the information that has been entered, once in the past, should enable a star rating (0-5 stars) as well as enable me to blog about it (if you click the link on it, it will go onto my own blogging system)
Once i blog about a past event, i want users to be able to rate the event and comment about it
More details will be provided upon request i think this all makes sense. I have drafts i've drawn up..
How much do u think something like this will cost?
I just need it to be easy for me to update the information, enter information in the calendar, write the blogs and add pictures to each of my blogs etc
and i want the other guys that come on to be able to easily enter into my calendar.