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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 12, 2010
I would like to upload a folder I have that is filled with HTML files (which also have their own associated folders) and then be able to read them on the iPhone and have the ability to click on links and whatevers on the HTML page.

Any app that can do this?
Two ways to approach this: (1) if it's a webpage that you want to save and view later, try InstaPaper. It allows you to "save" any page via numerous methods (safari, mac or iOS; twitter apps; RSS readers; etc) and then view them offline later. (2) Apps like DEVONthink or Yojimbo will let you grab a page for offline viewing later. DEVONthink has an iOS universal app, but I think Yojimbo's app is iPad only. Personally I use a combination of the DEVONthink solution and InstaPaper.
Two ways to approach this: (1) if it's a webpage that you want to save and view later, try InstaPaper. It allows you to "save" any page via numerous methods (safari, mac or iOS; twitter apps; RSS readers; etc) and then view them offline later. (2) Apps like DEVONthink or Yojimbo will let you grab a page for offline viewing later.

Well, I already have the pages saved on my computer. It's just a matter of transferring all of them to the iPhone.

Anywho, I figured out my own problem and found that FileApp Pro + DiskAid did the trick for me.
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