If anyone is familiar with the
iTunes Top 20 Playlist strategy over at, then this should make sense. Basically, there are 3 playlists:
Favs - Hot:
Five Stars AND
Last Played is in the last 3 days
Favs - Recyled
Five Stars AND
Last Played is not in the last 1 week
Last Played is in the last 2 weeks
Favs - Forgotten
Five Stars AND
Last Played is not in the last 4 weeks
This is a good strategy for listening to those songs that are stuck in your head at any given point in time. However, you have to constantly evaluate which songs are worth 5 stars and manually set them. This isn't that bad, unless you're like me and are in the process of ripping your entire CD collection to your computer; trust me, you can't listen to THAT much music and stay sane, live your life, etc...
What is needed is a way to determine how many times a song has been played in the last couple of days, then give it 5 stars or not based on this criteria. There is, sadly, no way of keeping track of PlayCount within the last N days. I'm trying to determine a way. I made 5 new playlists (could be a different number if you want) with these criteria:
Last 1 day: Last Played is in the last 1 days
Last 2 days: Last Played is in the last 2 days and Last Played is not in the last 1 days.
Last 3 days: Last Played is in the last 3 days and Last Played is not in the last 2 days.
Last 4 days: Last Played is in the last 4 days and Last Played is not in the last 3 days.
Last 5 days: Last Played is in the last 5 days and Last Played is not in the last 4 days.
If a song has been played on 2 or more days in the last 5 days, then it will appear on more than one of those playlists. If one could compare the results of those 5 playlists, even just once a day at the end of the day, then one could find songs that show up on more than one. If then one could have the rating automatically set to 5 stars on any song that does appear on two or more of those lists, the one could dynamically have their songs tastes recorded.
I would also think about adding a Not Played in N amount of days/weeks/months list, and having the Applescript (or perhaps a Cocoa app or iTunes plugin for either of these ideas???) decrease the rating to 4, then to 3 (after longer), then to 2...etc...
I know this is long, but hopefully a few people with better knowledge can help me and help each other towards a solution... least until Apple adds this sort of feature (along with boolean "or" capabilities in Smartlists).