Hi! I'm looking for beta testers for my spare time project - Background (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/background-beautiful-photos-from-unsplash/id1171036231?mt=8), which is Unsplash client.
The app is simple to use, super smooth photo browser. It was featured on Product Hunt (https://www.producthunt.com/posts/background).
New version features Search, changes in navigation and a lot of bugfixes.
I'm also looking for help in translating the app (Dutch, Chinese, Norwegian, Swedish, Italian, Czech and Spanish)
What I need? Send me an e-mail: adam [at] micropixels.pl. I need your e-mail to send TestFlight invitation (https://developer.apple.com/testflight/).
The app is simple to use, super smooth photo browser. It was featured on Product Hunt (https://www.producthunt.com/posts/background).
New version features Search, changes in navigation and a lot of bugfixes.
I'm also looking for help in translating the app (Dutch, Chinese, Norwegian, Swedish, Italian, Czech and Spanish)
What I need? Send me an e-mail: adam [at] micropixels.pl. I need your e-mail to send TestFlight invitation (https://developer.apple.com/testflight/).