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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 8, 2008
Does anyone have an example code for a drop-down toolbar item like the "Overview" drop-down in Xcode? And does anyone know if a toolbar item like that can be created in Interface Builder?
Doesn't look like you can set a toolbar item's view in IB, but you could create a generic one, connect it to an outlet and then in your awakeFromNib, set its view, along with its min and max size.
Thanks for the answer kainjnow. It looks like I can connect the Received Actions from my view to the items in the drop-down menu and I can create the drop-down menu in Interface Builder by following this example:

The one problem is it does not change the selected value for the drop-down menu automatically but I'm hoping a can find a "selected" method to call for the drop-down menu toolbaritem.
OK, I found the answer to auto-select the appropriate item. Instead of changing the NSPopUpButton's type to "Pull down" I left it as "Pop up" and everything work as expected.
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