I'm currently using RBrowser Lite and it's UI is absolutely horrid. Any recommendations for a good FTP program (preferably free but I'd pay a nominal fee for a really good program).
Originally posted by whocares
It isn't free, but Transmit is the best $25 dollars you'll ever spend for shareware.
Originally posted by Phatpat
I also like Transmit a lot. It's free for awhile, when the trial period expires you are limited to 10 min of use. I'm seriously considering paying for it, and I never thought I'd pay for a shareware program.
Originally posted by Santiago
I feel obligated to point out that regular old FTP is in no way a secure service and that someone sniffing the network can steal your password. If it's an FTP-only account, then that's not as bad, but you really shouldn't ever enable the FTP service on a Mac where you allow remote login. Unfortunately, there is no real consensus over a secure FTP variant. (There's SFTP and FTP with kerberos authentication, and GUI wrappers for SCP, which only needs SSH access.) I mostly just use SCP from the command line to transfer files from my PowerBook to my server...
Originally posted by Santiago
I feel obligated to point out that regular old FTP is in no way a secure service and that someone sniffing the network can steal your password. If it's an FTP-only account, then that's not as bad, but you really shouldn't ever enable the FTP service on a Mac where you allow remote login. Unfortunately, there is no real consensus over a secure FTP variant. (There's SFTP and FTP with kerberos authentication, and GUI wrappers for SCP, which only needs SSH access.) I mostly just use SCP from the command line to transfer files from my PowerBook to my server...