I was wondering if someone could offer me some help with Pocket Informant-
Since I dont use a google calendar I haven't set it up to sync
my problem is that I can't figure out how to add more calendars - the two native options that come with the app are "family" and "work" i'd like to add in "school" "dogs" etc. but for some reason I just can't figure out how to do it. I had the app showing my calendars from the native iphone calendar but for some reason it is showing two of every one? I have no idea if this has anything to do with my mobileme calendar as well? which under my calendar settings I seem to have two of the same calendars in the same colors, one listed under All from My Mac and one under my mobile me- but I only have the ones from my mac checked to show up in the calendar (hopefully this is making sense)
so my question is- how do i add calendars to the pocket informant w/o going through google calendar or ical, (b/c i dont really care about it syncing w/ mobile me or ical) OR can I make my ical and mobile me's consolidate so that I only have one "home" "dogs" "school" calendar for both of them so I can use them in PI w/o them repeating (I know PI has the option not to show these calendars but then when I go to add a task for them, it asks which calendar to add it to, and since something like "school" is listed twice w/ the same color, I have no idea which one is checked to show and which one isn't)
Since I dont use a google calendar I haven't set it up to sync
my problem is that I can't figure out how to add more calendars - the two native options that come with the app are "family" and "work" i'd like to add in "school" "dogs" etc. but for some reason I just can't figure out how to do it. I had the app showing my calendars from the native iphone calendar but for some reason it is showing two of every one? I have no idea if this has anything to do with my mobileme calendar as well? which under my calendar settings I seem to have two of the same calendars in the same colors, one listed under All from My Mac and one under my mobile me- but I only have the ones from my mac checked to show up in the calendar (hopefully this is making sense)
so my question is- how do i add calendars to the pocket informant w/o going through google calendar or ical, (b/c i dont really care about it syncing w/ mobile me or ical) OR can I make my ical and mobile me's consolidate so that I only have one "home" "dogs" "school" calendar for both of them so I can use them in PI w/o them repeating (I know PI has the option not to show these calendars but then when I go to add a task for them, it asks which calendar to add it to, and since something like "school" is listed twice w/ the same color, I have no idea which one is checked to show and which one isn't)