I was leaning towards the purplera1n one already just because it is easier, but does it work as well as the Dev Teams, functionality-wise? Mainly I want to JB for customization (winterboard and such), but Im sure Ill end up finding a bunch more stuff to add through Cydia. I know the 'ra1n JB couldn't run winterboard with problems before, is that fixed now? The quickness of the JB process with purplera1n is a plus, but if I have to take more steps for the Dev Team's JB I'm willing to do so, I just want the one that functions the best. Oh and I'll be using Vista to do the JB if that makes a difference. I kept XP on my PC but Im currently without Internet service for another week-ish so I'll be using my friends PC with Vista. Thanks fir the help.
*EDIT* don't know how that winking smiley got on top of my post, nor will edit let me delete it, so I guess it's stayin lol.