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Agent 21

macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 27, 2009
I'll finally have free time Friday or Saturday and I'm going to JB but I'm confused as to which one to use. A lot of people held off on Purplera1n's JB in favor of the Dev Team's, but I'm wondering the difference between the two? Could someone "compare and contrast" the two, like from installation up through features and bugs? Not only would it be great help to me, but I'm sure it'd help many others as well.
when i jailbroke my 3gs with redsn0w i didnt receive any carrier signal for some odd reason, but when I used purplera1n everything worked perfectly so i'd just use that. plus its shorter
I was leaning towards the purplera1n one already just because it is easier, but does it work as well as the Dev Teams, functionality-wise? Mainly I want to JB for customization (winterboard and such), but Im sure Ill end up finding a bunch more stuff to add through Cydia. I know the 'ra1n JB couldn't run winterboard with problems before, is that fixed now? The quickness of the JB process with purplera1n is a plus, but if I have to take more steps for the Dev Team's JB I'm willing to do so, I just want the one that functions the best. Oh and I'll be using Vista to do the JB if that makes a difference. I kept XP on my PC but Im currently without Internet service for another week-ish so I'll be using my friends PC with Vista. Thanks fir the help.

*EDIT* don't know how that winking smiley got on top of my post, nor will edit let me delete it, so I guess it's stayin lol.
I was leaning towards the purplera1n one already just because it is easier, but does it work as well as the Dev Teams, functionality-wise? Mainly I want to JB for customization (winterboard and such), but Im sure Ill end up finding a bunch more stuff to add through Cydia. I know the 'ra1n JB couldn't run winterboard with problems before, is that fixed now? The quickness of the JB process with purplera1n is a plus, but if I have to take more steps for the Dev Team's JB I'm willing to do so, I just want the one that functions the best. Oh and I'll be using Vista to do the JB if that makes a difference. I kept XP on my PC but Im currently without Internet service for another week-ish so I'll be using my friends PC with Vista. Thanks fir the help.

I've read that perhaps redsn0w has been causing decreased battery life, and purplera1n hasn't
I was leaning towards the purplera1n one already just because it is easier, but does it work as well as the Dev Teams, functionality-wise? Mainly I want to JB for customization (winterboard and such), but Im sure Ill end up finding a bunch more stuff to add through Cydia. I know the 'ra1n JB couldn't run winterboard with problems before, is that fixed now? The quickness of the JB process with purplera1n is a plus, but if I have to take more steps for the Dev Team's JB I'm willing to do so, I just want the one that functions the best. Oh and I'll be using Vista to do the JB if that makes a difference. I kept XP on my PC but Im currently without Internet service for another week-ish so I'll be using my friends PC with Vista. Thanks fir the help.

*EDIT* don't know how that winking smiley got on top of my post, nor will edit let me delete it, so I guess it's stayin lol.
The method of jailbreaking doenst usually cause a difference in the end result which is a jailbroken phone. However for some reason redsn0w rendered my 3gs with no cellular signal..i have no idea why, but when i used purplerain it worked perfectly. the fact that its just one step is just a plus. and yes it should work fine with vista
Another vote for purplera1n. I tried redsn0w three different times and all three times it never rebooted my phone to finish the process.

I've been jailbroken with purplera1n for a couple days now and have seen nor experienced any bugs. The resprings, installations and Cydia's loading and reloading screens are amazingly fast. I see absolutely no reason to go back to non-jailbroken on this phone. Havings SBSettings again is a breath of fresh air.
Thanks everyone. Does anyone know if winterboard is fixed for it yet though? Seems to be the only knock on the purplera1n method, and has been since it came out.

Also, as far as battery life, mine sucks period, it's the ONLY complaint I have with the phone. I left with it at 100% at 7:30 am and I just got home and it was at 29%. I used Safari for maybe an hour and a half tops (not straight, just combined throughout the day) and had a 5min phone convo, the rest of the day it was in my pocket, I was too busy to play with it. Just seems like my battery life drops like a rock, even compared to my Samsung Instinct that I had before switching to this, and that battery life SUCKED.
just be sure to back up the two files.. iBEC and iBSS i think they are. I used dev-team jailbreak b/c it is what i used for my previous iPhones and its works perfect.

i'm sure either would be fine, but ill put my vote for redsn0w
I used Redsn0w without issues. Only thing I ran into is that rotation inhibitor crashes the phone (known issue) and I can't get offline maps to work on the 3Gs (but have a beta version that works on the 3g on 3.0)
winterboard didnt work on either untill the mobilesubstrate file was updated. it was and is now fully functional on both. I used purplerain because redsnow confused me and didnt work that well for my ipod touch 1g. my vote is for purplera1n. and my battery life sucks as well
I used purplera1n last night, and then installed WinterBoard, everything appears to be stable, I`m monitoring battery usage.

The jailbreak was complete in less than a minute, though I had to run it on a XP box as my Vista X64 would only get as far as putting the phone in to recovery mode.
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