I need to find a way to transfer unsent, outgoing messages from my MacBook Pro to my iPhone for sending while I'm on the go.
I fly a lot and it's the only time I can write long, detailed replies to coworkers and customers. Problem is, those emails can't be sent until I'm home or in the hotel with free wifi; I want to send everything when I get off the airplane using the iPhone's mail app (and data plan).
Obviously tethering would solve my problem, but I'm still waiting on that from AT&T. Another tempting option would be a keyboard for the iPhone, but I'm still waiting on that one too.
I did a lot of research and can't seem to find an answer here. It seems like there would be an easy way to sync my mail.app folders to my iPhone using the USB cable, but I can't find it. Am I missing something obvious?
I fly a lot and it's the only time I can write long, detailed replies to coworkers and customers. Problem is, those emails can't be sent until I'm home or in the hotel with free wifi; I want to send everything when I get off the airplane using the iPhone's mail app (and data plan).
Obviously tethering would solve my problem, but I'm still waiting on that from AT&T. Another tempting option would be a keyboard for the iPhone, but I'm still waiting on that one too.
I did a lot of research and can't seem to find an answer here. It seems like there would be an easy way to sync my mail.app folders to my iPhone using the USB cable, but I can't find it. Am I missing something obvious?