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Pistol Pete

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 6, 2005
I have been doing a lot of shooting lately and it has actually become a big hobby of mine.

Here is my site:

I hope you guys enjoy it.

Domain Hosting =
Main Page = iWeb
Gallery Page = Aperture

Thanks a lot.

Looking forward to the feedback!


Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Very nice images! At first I was a little confused by the first page and clicked where there are titles and "read more...." expecting to see images, but then realized I needed to actually go to the gallery for that.

You've done some really good shooting in some nice places!

Pistol Pete

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 6, 2005
Thanks a lot Clix.

So you thought the homepage was confusing?

I was going to remodel last night I guess I should.

Looking Forward to more critique!


macrumors newbie
Aug 2, 2005
Great pics! I particularly like photo #1 of the spray in the sunset. great focusing and DOF. Beautiful.
I really like the fact that your pictures look natural and not over-photoshopped, if photoshopped at all. I always think the most stunning photos are those that capture and record the beauty of nature and not heavily filterred or processed to look like fantasy landscapes!
If you really want critique, I could contradict myself and say some of the landscapes could maybe do with a bit more 'punch'. Life is always a compromise.
You make me want to get a D50 even more! I am still stuck with an F60 and just can't afford to process film at the moment. What lens(es) are you using. I couldn't see on your technical page.

You obviously have an eye and the technique for some very good photos. Thanks for sharing them.

Pistol Pete

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 6, 2005
I am Shooting qith a Nikon 28-80mm lens...

yah I dont use Photoshop at all...In fact I dont really edit at all and thats the truth...

Thanks for the feedback Gibbon
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