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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 29, 2009

I am hoping to find someone that can help me with an Applescript or Automator script. It is a simple script I believe, but I cannot figure it out. I am happy to pay for someone to create the script, but I have no idea where to find someone who can do this. If any one here is interested, please email me or message me.

Pretty simple I think.... I want it to do the following:
- Allows me to choose an existing Finder location or create a folder in a Finder location that I choose
- Create 3 pre-named folders in the location I chose or created - Drafts, Final, and Original

...and that's it. I used to have an applescript that created the folders, but I lost it. Plus it never worked exactly as I wanted it to. So, I'm hoping I can pay someone to make a new one and make it right.

set theTarget to choose folder with prompt "Where do you want your folders?"

tell application "Finder"
	make new folder at theTarget with properties {name:"untitled folder"}
	set name of folder "untitled folder" of theTarget to "Draft"
	make new folder at theTarget with properties {name:"untitled folder"}
	set name of folder "untitled folder" of theTarget to "Final"
	make new folder at theTarget with properties {name:"untitled folder"}
	set name of folder "untitled folder" of theTarget to "Original"
end tell

I'll send you my bill.

tell application "Finder"
	make new folder at theTarget with properties {name:"Draft"}
	make new folder at theTarget with properties {name:"Final"}
	make new folder at theTarget with properties {name:"Original"}
end tell

No charge for the optimizations.
One of the things I should have pointed out in my script -- not that I'm going to excuse the fact that I should have seen the optimizations that chown33 provided (really stupid on my part) -- is that the Finder is recordable.

The point to my script was that I just hit the Record button and voila.

Chances are anyone can get about 75 percent of what they need out of AppleScript and the Finder by just trying to record first. Unfortunately, recordability doesn't appear to be as important as it once was. Shame.

Thanks mysterytramp and chown33! I can remember trying the record option in both Applescript and Automator, but I could not get it right. Guess I need to do some reading up on them.:rolleyes:

Tried out the script and it works great. Thanks again for all your help!:)
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