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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 4, 2006
Sarasota, FL
I've got an old TV, old is an understatment. I'm not much of a TV person and mostly when I watch TV I'm watching it at my friends house with HDTV. With the Nintendo Wii comming out I would like something that can deliver a clear picture. Nintendo Wii doesn't support HD and neither does my paychecks.

My price range is from $200-300. Is this not enough to get me a nice flatscreen TV over 19"? What are some of the better brands? What are the more popular Tvs? Whats a good internet site to buy from? (considering you can save big bucks ordering online).
I have a Panasonic TV. They produce good picture, color and sound. I haven't owned a Samsung TV, but they make pretty good electroincs in general from my experience. 200-300 won't be enough for a LCD or Plasma at any size, but you ought to be able to find a nice 19" TV with S-Video and Composite for around that price.

Here is a 24" Samsung with a flat tube with SVideo and A/V Composite for 260.

As far as a store, I'd recommed going to Circuit City or BestBuy or other local electronics stores (Not Wal-Mart or Target initially anyway). Find some TV's that you like. Check out the picture and sound. Then bargain hunt for the best deal.
Sam's Club has had some 20 inch CRT televisions in that range, some with DVD players. You might be able to find something slightly bigger, maybe 24 inches.

LCD t.v. sets will run you around $600+ for a 26 inch model.
Okay cool. I kinda thought 200-300 wasn't enough for a flatscreen. Does CRT flatscreens have the angle problems? Like on a Flatscreen computerscreen the picture gets discolored if you view from an angle.

Also is there any good internet sites that track low prices and sales on televisions. Sorta like a thing.
Moshiiii said:
Okay cool. I kinda thought 200-300 wasn't enough for a flatscreen. Does CRT flatscreens have the angle problems? Like on a Flatscreen computerscreen the picture gets discolored if you view from an angle.

Also is there any good internet sites that track low prices and sales on televisions. Sorta like a thing.

You know CRTs, they're the type of screens that have been around since the 1920s. They're pretty much the same no matter where you're sitting. Of course, you know that they're also not very good for HDTV but they're fine for DVDs.

You might also try Froogle for price comparisons.
Unrelated... but when I was at the recycling centre last week, dropping stuff off... sitting in the TV section was a retro ('80's) B&O TV set :eek: :D, had I seen it's former owner dropping it off, I would've asked them if it was working... because I would've nabbed it if it was. :D

So yeah... eBay B&O. ;)
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