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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 28, 2009
I'm pulling my hair out. called Apple about this but got no help to resolve. I use imovie for basic editing of my clients' oral history interviews, and somehow ended up with more than one library, and media and events in both libraries for this same project. I don't know if that's the problem. What's happening is that I will do some editing, adding images, trimming, adding clips from the media section, and when I close the project and reopen it, some of the clips are gone. I tried on a copy to consolidate the media for the project, thinking that was the problem, but it still happened.

I'm afraid to close the ap or the project because I've just redone all of the missing things. It's like a poltergeist is in this project. (It didn't happen before.)

I'm also afraid to merge the libraries or move the media all to one library because something even worse might occur.

Would greatly appreciate advice. thanks!

Dave Braine

macrumors 68040
Mar 19, 2008
Warrington, UK
and somehow ended up with more than one library, and media and events in both libraries for this same project. I don't know if that's the problem
That sounds like it. It seems as if you edit your Project, and then the next time you open iMovie, it goes to the other Library.

When you are in iMovie, you can have access to both Libraries by going File Menu>Open Library...and then choosing the other Library. This then appear in the My Media sidebar and you can then go from one to the other and hopefully have access to all your clips.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 28, 2009
thank you Dave -- I already have all libraries open and all events open. I'm afraid to try moving the media that's in two different two events with the same client's name currently in two different libraries to just one library... or even merge them into one events. But I wonder if that's needed? It might be that I'm selecting media from one library or event into the timeline, and then selecting media from a different one into the timeline... but shouldn't that still be ok if both libraries are are showing?

Dave Braine

macrumors 68040
Mar 19, 2008
Warrington, UK
I think that you are going to have to merge/consolidate your Libraries to sort things out. First though, coy your existing Libraries to an external drive, so if things don't work you haven't lost anything.

Look here for help in doing the merge. I've never done so can't really offer any advice.
merge imovie libraries


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 28, 2009
Thanks Dave... will give that a try. I'm having LOTS of problems since upgrading to High Sierra. Not just in imovie, but also weird stuff in mail... pulling my hair out.
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