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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 28, 2016
I declare a struct and allocate memory.
typedef struct data
    char date[days_of_data][9], symbol[9];
    float price[days_of_data];
    int vol[days_of_data];
    int index[days_of_data];
    float risk;
} _data ;

daily_data = calloc(num_etfs + 1, sizeof(*daily_data));
    for(i = 0; i < num_etfs + 1; i++)
       daily_data[i] = *(_data*)calloc(1, sizeof(_data));

Now I call a sort routine and confirm the sorting by following with printf statements. However, when I print out the sorted data, it is not sorted.

sort (daily_data, num);
void sort(structdata *sorted, int num)
    int i, j = 0;
    int swapped = true;
    struct data tmp;
   while (swapped)
     swapped = false;
    for (i = 1; i < num - j; i++)
        if (sorted[i].risk > sorted[i + 1].risk)
              // printf("%f %f\n", sorted[i+1].risk, sorted[i].risk);
                tmp = sorted[i];
                  //  printf("%f %f\n", tmp.risk, sorted[i].risk);
                sorted[i] = sorted[i + 1];
                  //  printf("%f %f\n", sorted[i+1].risk, sorted[i].risk);
                sorted[i + 1] = tmp;
              // printf("%f %f\n", sorted[i+1].risk, sorted[i].risk);
                swapped = true;

   for (i = 1; i < num_etfs; i++)
     printf("%s %f\n", sorted[i].symbol,  sorted[i].risk   );

Any help would be appreciated.
Last edited by a moderator:
Cleaned up, refactored, leaks fixed, and made into an actual compilable test case.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SYMLEN    9
#define true      1
#define false     0

typedef struct data
//    char date[days_of_data][9],
    char symbol[ SYMLEN ];
//    float price[days_of_data];
//    int vol[days_of_data];
//    int index[days_of_data];
    float risk;
} _data ;

void bubble_sort( _data *sorted, int num )
    int i, j = 0;
    int swapped = true;
    _data tmp;
   while (swapped)
     swapped = false;
    for (i = 1; i < num - j; i++)
        if (sorted[i].risk > sorted[i + 1].risk)
              // printf("%f %f\n", sorted[i+1].risk, sorted[i].risk);
                tmp = sorted[i];
                  //  printf("%f %f\n", tmp.risk, sorted[i].risk);
                sorted[i] = sorted[i + 1];
                  //  printf("%f %f\n", sorted[i+1].risk, sorted[i].risk);
                sorted[i + 1] = tmp;
              // printf("%f %f\n", sorted[i+1].risk, sorted[i].risk);
                swapped = true;

// Chooses the algorithm for fake_risk()

static float fake_risk( void )
    // Incrementally decreasing values, 5000 down.
    static int ran = 5000;
    // Pseudo-random values, [0..9999]

    // The range is 0 .. (2**32) - 1, i.e. all unsigned 32-bit integers.
    u_int32_t ran = arc4random();

    return (float) ( ran % 10000 );

// Fill with fake data.
// Each item gets a symbol of "q" followed by its original array index.
// For example, item 12 is named "q12".
// The risk member is set to a fake_risk() value.
// Item 0 is named "zero", with risk of 0.0f.
static void fill_dailies( _data * dailies, const int count )
    // Force item 0 to be different.
    strlcpy( dailies -> symbol, "zero", SYMLEN );
    dailies -> risk = 0.0f;

    int i;
    for ( i = 1; i < count; i++ )
        snprintf( dailies[ i ].symbol, SYMLEN, "q%d", i );
        dailies[ i ].risk = fake_risk();

static void show_dailies( _data * dailies, const int count )
    printf("-- %d items --\n", count );

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
    {  printf("%s %f\n", dailies[i].symbol,  dailies[i].risk   );  }

// Calls abort(), which exits the process,
// so this function never returns.
static void fail( char * reason )
    fflush( stdout );
    fprintf( stderr, "failed: %s\n", reason );
    fflush( stderr );
    abort();  // never returns

#define num_etfs        20

int main( void )
    _data * daily_data;
    const int COUNT = num_etfs + 1;  // calculate once, reuse below

    daily_data = calloc( COUNT, sizeof(*daily_data) );
    if ( daily_data == NULL )
        fail( "can't allocate daily_data memory" );

    fill_dailies( daily_data, COUNT );
    show_dailies( daily_data, COUNT );

    bubble_sort( daily_data, COUNT );
    show_dailies( daily_data, COUNT );

    return 0;

Sample output:
-- 21 items --
zero 0.000000
q1 950.000000
q2 5067.000000
q3 8005.000000
q4 5588.000000
q5 3587.000000
q6 5478.000000
q7 6796.000000
q8 1081.000000
q9 3558.000000
q10 516.000000
q11 9510.000000
q12 3658.000000
q13 2194.000000
q14 7403.000000
q15 2438.000000
q16 917.000000
q17 3185.000000
q18 6142.000000
q19 5698.000000
q20 7839.000000
-- 21 items --
zero 0.000000
q10 516.000000
q16 917.000000
q1 950.000000
q8 1081.000000
q13 2194.000000
q15 2438.000000
q17 3185.000000
q9 3558.000000
q5 3587.000000
q12 3658.000000
q2 5067.000000
q6 5478.000000
q4 5588.000000
q19 5698.000000
q18 6142.000000
q7 6796.000000
q14 7403.000000
q20 7839.000000
q3 8005.000000
q11 9510.000000
Last edited:
I had to add stings.h to avoid a warning but otherwise it compiled and ran correctly. I wouldn't have expected anything else from you. Can you give me a hint why yours runs and mind doesn't.
I had to add stings.h to avoid a warning but otherwise it compiled and ran correctly. I wouldn't have expected anything else from you. Can you give me a hint why yours runs and mind doesn't.
I have no idea. Not even a guess.

You didn't show any context or data from before the sort, so I can't comment on that.

You didn't show the printf'ed output from after the sort, so I can't comment on that.

I used your sort code nearly verbatim. Compare the routines yourself with the 'diff' cmd and see what's different.

The memory leaks I eliminated wouldn't have caused the sort to malfunction (I think).

The test case I provided shows the sort works correctly. Logically, if the problem isn't in the sort code, it must be somewhere else. Where else that might be, I can't begin to guess, since you didn't post any other code or info (like OS version, compiler version, etc.)

My only remaining suggestion is to isolate, change, or disable the parts of your code one at a time until something different happens. That's elementary debugging.
Cleaned up, refactored, leaks fixed, and made into an actual compilable test case.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SYMLEN    9
#define true      1
#define false     0

typedef struct data
//    char date[days_of_data][9],
    char symbol[ SYMLEN ];
//    float price[days_of_data];
//    int vol[days_of_data];
//    int index[days_of_data];
    float risk;
} _data ;

void bubble_sort( _data *sorted, int num )
    int i, j = 0;
    int swapped = true;
    _data tmp;
   while (swapped)
     swapped = false;
    for (i = 1; i < num - j; i++)
        if (sorted[i].risk > sorted[i + 1].risk)
              // printf("%f %f\n", sorted[i+1].risk, sorted[i].risk);
                tmp = sorted[i];
                  //  printf("%f %f\n", tmp.risk, sorted[i].risk);
                sorted[i] = sorted[i + 1];
                  //  printf("%f %f\n", sorted[i+1].risk, sorted[i].risk);
                sorted[i + 1] = tmp;
              // printf("%f %f\n", sorted[i+1].risk, sorted[i].risk);
                swapped = true;

// Chooses the algorithm for fake_risk()

static float fake_risk( void )
    // Incrementally decreasing values, 5000 down.
    static int ran = 5000;
    // Pseudo-random values, [0..9999]

    // The range is 0 .. (2**32) - 1, i.e. all unsigned 32-bit integers.
    u_int32_t ran = arc4random();

    return (float) ( ran % 10000 );

// Fill with fake data.
// Each item gets a symbol of "q" followed by its original array index.
// For example, item 12 is named "q12".
// The risk member is set to a fake_risk() value.
// Item 0 is named "zero", with risk of 0.0f.
static void fill_dailies( _data * dailies, const int count )
    // Force item 0 to be different.
    strlcpy( dailies -> symbol, "zero", SYMLEN );
    dailies -> risk = 0.0f;

    int i;
    for ( i = 1; i < count; i++ )
        snprintf( dailies[ i ].symbol, SYMLEN, "q%d", i );
        dailies[ i ].risk = fake_risk();

static void show_dailies( _data * dailies, const int count )
    printf("-- %d items --\n", count );

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
    {  printf("%s %f\n", dailies[i].symbol,  dailies[i].risk   );  }

// Calls abort(), which exits the process,
// so this function never returns.
static void fail( char * reason )
    fflush( stdout );
    fprintf( stderr, "failed: %s\n", reason );
    fflush( stderr );
    abort();  // never returns

#define num_etfs        20

int main( void )
    _data * daily_data;
    const int COUNT = num_etfs + 1;  // calculate once, reuse below

    daily_data = calloc( COUNT, sizeof(*daily_data) );
    if ( daily_data == NULL )
        fail( "can't allocate daily_data memory" );

    fill_dailies( daily_data, COUNT );
    show_dailies( daily_data, COUNT );

    bubble_sort( daily_data, COUNT );
    show_dailies( daily_data, COUNT );

    return 0;

Sample output:
-- 21 items --
zero 0.000000
q1 950.000000
q2 5067.000000
q3 8005.000000
q4 5588.000000
q5 3587.000000
q6 5478.000000
q7 6796.000000
q8 1081.000000
q9 3558.000000
q10 516.000000
q11 9510.000000
q12 3658.000000
q13 2194.000000
q14 7403.000000
q15 2438.000000
q16 917.000000
q17 3185.000000
q18 6142.000000
q19 5698.000000
q20 7839.000000
-- 21 items --
zero 0.000000
q10 516.000000
q16 917.000000
q1 950.000000
q8 1081.000000
q13 2194.000000
q15 2438.000000
q17 3185.000000
q9 3558.000000
q5 3587.000000
q12 3658.000000
q2 5067.000000
q6 5478.000000
q4 5588.000000
q19 5698.000000
q18 6142.000000
q7 6796.000000
q14 7403.000000
q20 7839.000000
q3 8005.000000
q11 9510.000000
[doublepost=1462060368][/doublepost]Thanks, I got it.
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