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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 15, 2010
Hi, for some reason after i downloaded IOS5 my calendar entries were fine, they were still all there......but i must have changed some setting or something cos as of last night they were all gone!!

I dont really understand this icloud thing and i'm quite a newb when it comes to apple, i just have really important meetings in my calendar and now for some reason they are all gone.

Please help me find them again! :(
Go into your calendar app and make sure there are little check marks next to each calendar so they show in the calendar.

Just a suggestion.

I'm still using MobileMe but don't use it for calendars. Use exchange for work and gmail for home calendars.
Noticed this on my iPad 1. If I open Calendar, the current month view is empty apart from Today. If I swipe to another month, all events are there. If I swipe back to the current month, the entries have magically reappeared. I'm guessing there's a bug somewhere. I've also noticed Contacts seems to take a couple of seconds before entries appear from a blank page
same thing happened to me this morning. hit calendars and make sure the appropriate calendars are checked. good luck.

All calendars are checked......always have been too.....what i dont understand is that as soon as i updated to ios5 all the entries were still there.......but now they vanished a day later.....i would have understood if updating it wiped it straight away. At least then i could have pinpointed it to updating it.

But i cant seem to restore to a time b4 saturday so there would be no point doing that.

I just have no clue whatsoever :(


Noticed this on my iPad 1. If I open Calendar, the current month view is empty apart from Today. If I swipe to another month, all events are there. If I swipe back to the current month, the entries have magically reappeared. I'm guessing there's a bug somewhere. I've also noticed Contacts seems to take a couple of seconds before entries appear from a blank page

Unfortunately this didnt work either :(


You should also be able to restore from your backup.

Last backup says saturday....need one for friday really.....any way to do that?
Are you using a service like gmail for calendars, or apples iCloud?

before icloud came about i have no idea what options i had, i never bothered syncing my phone much either......i just put entries in on the phone and then they were stored.....when i updated as i said, they were still there, which i was surprised about, i thought they were gonna get wiped.....but they was only the day after that they for some reason disappeared, and i have no idea why cos dont think i've changed any options, and they are all checked.

(sorry i'm not much of a techy when it comes to apple....i find it all very confusing....still finding it hard to understand about what exactly icloud is!)
When syncing with iTunes you have to recheck sync calanders. For some reason they reverted to unchecked when switching to IOS 5.
Hi, for some reason after i downloaded IOS5 my calendar entries were fine, they were still all there......but i must have changed some setting or something cos as of last night they were all gone!!

I dont really understand this icloud thing and i'm quite a newb when it comes to apple, i just have really important meetings in my calendar and now for some reason they are all gone.

Please help me find them again! :(

I had the same problem. Apple support solved the issue.
When I turned off wifi access at home, the entries came back via 3G.
Solution was to restart the router. That fixed it for wifi.

It has happened again and responded to the reboot of the wireless router.
I am trying to resolve the router issue to prevent this, but no luck so far.
I had the same problem this week, and I'm not sure exactly what happened. However, I was using the Gmail calendar and, after some web research, found out that it is NOT backed up by Google, as I thought it was supposed to be.

SO, I started over. I deleted the Google calendar in Gmail completely so there wouldn't be some sort of conflict later, and rebuilt the calendar (took a day or so) directly in the iPad2's calendar.

Then I enabled iCloud syncing/backup. This calendar is much better than Google's, I have to say. And it's comforting to know I can get it back if it disappears.

Later, I switched my contact list from Gmail to the iPad/Apple contacts, again with iCloud backup. It's a bit tricky to do this so I didn't loose my contacts in the process.

Here's what worked for me: KEEPING MY CONTACTS LIST ON MY iPad/iPhone, first I disabled contact syncing in iTunes for both devices and did a sync so I had a backup handy. Then I went onto and deleted ALL contact entries there so I wouldn't end up with duplicates after the iCloud "merge" was checked. Then, I enabled the contact sync for iCloud.

Scared me at first because all my contacts suddenly disappeared from my iPad/iPhone - but a secnd or two later, they reappeared - just perfect.

I still have a Gmail contacts list in Gmail, but will have to enter any changes/additions I make by hand since I don't want it syncing with my iDevices.
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I had the same problem this week, and I'm not sure exactly what happened. However, I was using the Gmail calendar and, after some web research, found out that it is NOT backed up by Google, as I thought it was supposed to be.

SO, I started over. I deleted the Google calendar in Gmail completely so there wouldn't be some sort of conflict later, and rebuilt the calendar (took a day or so) directly in the iPad2's calendar.

Then I enabled iCloud syncing/backup. This calendar is much better than Google's, I have to say. And it's comforting to know I can get it back if it disappears.
In terms of backups, there isn't much difference between google calendar and icloud calendar. If anything, you can actually do your own automatic google calendar backups -- I don't know of any way to do your own automatic backups with icloud.
In terms of backups, there isn't much difference between google calendar and icloud calendar. If anything, you can actually do your own automatic google calendar backups -- I don't know of any way to do your own automatic backups with icloud.

Looks like iCloud gets the calendar entries when they are added.
Try adding something to the iPhone, then on your pc log into your iCloud account and browse the calendar app on the pc to verify.
Looks like iCloud gets the calendar entries when they are added.
Try adding something to the iPhone, then on your pc log into your iCloud account and browse the calendar app on the pc to verify.
Both icloud and google calendar (if properly configured) will automatically update the cloud (web) when you add or edit an entry on the iPhone. While the cloud data is quickly updated for both, their respective web pages, if displaying a calendar, may not immediately update. I just did a quick test, and icloud took 1-2 minutes to update, whereas google calendar took 2-3 minutes. Of course, I could have quickly updated either by hitting the refresh button.
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