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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 21, 2011
Title pretty much says it all...I somehow hit a combination of keys on my keyboard that now makes me iPhone simulator just a regular window with the same screen as the iPhone simulator, but the iPhone part is gone, so there is no home button displaying, etc. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks.
Home button is a menu item in the Sim. Retina screens take up a lot of space so the frame is removed.
As other people are kind of hinting at, whether you will see the device or a normal window depends on the size of the screen of your computer and the screen of the simulated device.

IE, on my 1920x1200 iMac screen, the 768x1024 iPad/iPad 2 simulator will show up with a border. On my 1200x800 (or something like that) MacBook Air, the iPad simulator will instead show up in a normal window with a title of something like "Simulator (Scaled to 80%)".

So, just try changing which device you're simulating.
Check your scale percentage

I found one reason the bezel disappears - you have to have scale set to 100%.

Go to Windows -> Scale -> pick 100%.

For instance, my MacBook Air has plenty of room to display the "iphone" device. When I tried out the "ipad" device, I reduced the scale to 75%.

When I went back to my "iphone" device, it no longer had the iphone bezel image! It's because of the scale setting at 75% or 50%...

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