Hey, I have an ibook 800 G3 Just purchased and am installing a fresh OS X and noticed the ibook has Office X. Can I copy the program to a disk and reinstall off that disk? it may sound strange but im a former pc'r so bare with me!!
If it's the Office "Test Drive" then I wouldn't even worry about it.
Can you burn the Office folder to disk straight out of the Applications folder? Yes. Unlike Windows, apps on Mac OS are pretty much self-contained. No dll, no registry.
Is this legally permitted? You figure that out and do what you think is right.
Making a backup of software that comes with your computer is completely legal, however I don't see how you would end up with a full version of Office.
Check to make sure it's not the Office X Test Drive (which is a 30-day demo)
Then, insert a blank CD, tell it to Open in Finder, and drag the Office X folder from your Finder window to the disc icon you see on the desktop. Hit "Burn" on the File menu, and you're done. It's that easy.