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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 4, 2003
........for all you people whining about phones, ipods, macbook and macbook pros thers still hope for you. I you read the live page, at 10.24am, he said there would be lots more announcements during the next week.
MacSA said:
........for all you people whining about phones, ipods, macbook and macbook pros thers still hope for you. I you read the live page, at 10.24am, he said there would be lots more announcements during the next week.

Yeah but he might mean by Thrid Partys on UB's
I wonder exactly what this means? More product announcements or more OS X announcements. I actually hope a iPhone comes up. I wish apple made all their announcements today, but I guess I can wait a couple days.

The mac pro looks very awesome though!
Unorthodox said:
How could they not upgrade the MBP?

The Paris thingy isn't for another 40 days.
Apple sux I hate them die die die. :D

Wah! Wah! All that wait for nothing!

I am not buying a non 64 bit compatible machine after all that they've said!
Unorthodox said:
How could they not upgrade the MBP?

The Paris thingy isn't for another 40 days.
Apple sux I hate them die die die. :D

There can be just one reason. Not enough Meroms for the MBP n iMac. But atleast they could`ve announced it with shipping after a month.
I really hope the MBP's are released tomorrow Ive been waiting way too long for an update and I dont want to get something that will be outdated in a week!!! Why didnt they at least announce it even if they didnt have new chips.:mad:
I hope that they do bring out a blackbook update tomorrow. That is what i am waiting for. I could just buy one now and sell it on when the update comes but that i too much hassle :p
ColdFlame87 said:
I really hope the MBP's are released tomorrow Ive been waiting way too long for an update and I dont want to get something that will be outdated in a week!!! Why didnt they at least announce it even if they didnt have new chips.:mad:
Yeah man I hear ya. I have been stuck on these old machines forever and I need something portable. I do'nt wana buy a MBP at the end of august (I have to have one by then) and find out its bein updated in the mid of september...?
witness said:
That's what I understood.
I assumed they'd be Apple's announcements. :confused:

I'll check some other sources.

EDIT: Nope, not Apple's Annoucements (via Engadget)
10:24AM - "We had a sixth major release that we don't get much credit for. Tiger on Intel. Porting an OS is is no easy task. And our software team did a great job. They made it look really easy which has enabled this amazing transition. 86 million lines of source code that was ported to run on an entirely new architecture with zero hiccups. Along the way, we created a way to run universal applications that run on PowerPC and Intel. I'm pleased to report that there are more than 3,000 universal applications and we at Apple would like to say, thank you, thank you guys. "You guys have done a phenomenal job and there are a lot more being announced at the developer conference this week."
MacSA said:
........for all you people whining about phones, ipods, macbook and macbook pros thers still hope for you. I you read the live page, at 10.24am, he said there would be lots more announcements during the next week.
I certanally hope so, as I'm waiting for an update iMac for a digital hub.
Even if there are no more product announcements tomorrow (and from the looks of it, a lot of you doubt it), there can still be a "One More Thing" event. Remember how Apple launched the 5G iPod and iPod Nano last year? This could happen. So, in all likelihood, hold out some hope. In all likelihood, the question of upgrade is a "when" question, not an "if" question. Heck, I am holding off on buying an MBP until they have a good processor in it.

If you love a thing good enough, you will wait for it. This is why you are a Mac user people!!! :D
I'm surprised they didnt just say, hey we gots some merom in the MBP and it will be avaible later.....

What is wrong with that? Oh, well guess the waiting continues....
of course it is a when question but I seriously doubt they will upgrade anything until the ipod college rebate is over.
Processor Upgrades won't be Keynote-worthy

Just throwing in my 2-cents, but Apple has previously said they want to get away from these major events for predictable updates. Intel has not officially announced the shipping date for laptop Merom chips, and despite the past where Apple has typically been the first to announce a new processor, Intel will be the first to announce new chips going forward.

Apple would never announce a Laptop update today that isn't shipping for a month because all of the current machines are selling so well and Apple doesn't want to rob Back-to-School sales. We all follow the Apple Rumor Mill, most people don't and if they are going to school they are just going to pick up whatever machine fits their needs. If new machines had been announced, Apple would have to discount their current line-up and they still wouldn't sell well.

I expect Apple to announce updates to Intel Core 2 Duo and Solo processor with either immediate or near immediate shipping when they have enough processors on hand to fulfil demand and their current inventories have been decreased. I expect the announcement will come at about the same time as every other vendor announces C2D shipping. (Thus iMac and possibly Mac-Mini first (next 2 weeks) and laptops shortly there after (around Sept 1st)).

IMHO as long as Apple continues to use Intel processors you won't see many updates to existing computer products at keynotes unless there is a redesign of the enclosure or a significant new hardware feature. Processors aren't that important anymore.
Downdivix - Intel HAS ANNOUNCED that Meroms HAVE BEEN shipping in quantity for two weeks now. It was part of their quarterly finance review. The info came directly from their CEO. Merom IS their "laptop" chip.
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