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macrumors member
Original poster
May 22, 2016

I have a 64Gb SE with iOS 9.3.2.

I noticed some problems with games like Real Racing 3, where while racing, during LoD changes it stutters. General performance is 30 FPS (I think it's locked), but when it's loading something, it immediately drops frames which make it almost unplayable. At the start of a Vainglory match, these missed frames are also visible. GTA San Andreas does this too.

I was thinking it could be a storage problem, but couldn't test it with anything. I ran a few other benchmarks to see what's up.

Antutu, GFXBench Metal and 3DMark Sling Shot does a lot worse than the average SE score.

Antutu does the following:

Memory scores a bit higher, but everything else is lower and UX I/O is a disaster.

3DMar Sling Shot is strange, onscreen tests are fine (~5% worse than average). First, offscreen tests were a disaster. Half, or even lower than the average. When ran individually, the scores were fine.

Sling Shot is fine, except Graphics test 2 and Physics section 3. Physics is very off, Graphics 2 is sometimes very off, sometimes only 10%.

Here's a screenshot of that:
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macrumors member
Original poster
May 22, 2016

If you could post some scores with 9.3.2 you could confirm if it's an iOS update problem or it's hardware.
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