Especially if this is for your parents, I think the AppleTV route would be the best. It's the most user-friendly and doesn't rely on legacy technology (some may argue this point

it's not a G4 or G5 at least).
It can run on a standard TV without composite inputs and without a widescreen. an example
Checking that video out right now... I knew it could be used with an SDTV, but I thought it required a widescreen picture. Interesting. I was choosing to go the Mac route as opposed to the

tv route because of this limitation, along with the fact they'll want DVR capabilities and Hulu & Netflix streaming keeps breaking on

tv, or so I've read.
edit: That's awesome that he was able to do that! It also opens up another option for me... possibly getting an

tv and then setting up another box to do DVR'ing and iTunes converting.
mstrze said:
If this is going into their TV...why the need for a TV tuner? Are you thinking about adding a DVR? I know many parents have always been flumoxxed by the fact that VCRs actually had seperate tuners in them. So having to watch this computer on channel 3 (?) or on AUX input and then switching channels within the computer rather than just picking up the remote for the TV is going to be an issue with them I would imagine.
They've had satellite for years, so they're very used to the concept. My parents (father, especially) aren't obscenely tech-savvy, but they have the capacity and willingness to learn. They do very well with concepts like networking, IP addresses, Dish satellite receivers that control two TVs, etc.
Basically, with the help of a TV tuner, I'll be running everything through the Mac. They'll be able to watch Live TV if they want (through the EyeTV app), record it, if the want, watch their recorded iTunes movies and TV shows, and stream Hulu and Netflix. The Mira app from
TwistedMelon, along with EyeTV, Hulu, and Netflix plugins for Front Row will allow them to never touch the keyboard for this machine, save perhaps some DVR set-up, but I'm not going to introduce that from the outset.
The way I'm going to introduce it to them, it will actually be a simpler set-up than what they have now. Instead of three or four set-top boxes (DVD player, satellite receiver, ancient just-in-case VCR, and a possible Roku box), they'll have one that is their DVR, DVD player, iTunes player, Home media server, and Hulu/Netflix streaming box, all neatly done within one machine.
mstrze said:
You certainly won't be able to design a system based on a standard mac that uses a remote control to do all this functionality...while AppleTV certainly will...AND you can add it to universal remote. My Logitech controls all my systems, including my AppleTV. One remote, very easy.
What makes you think I won't be able to use a remote control? Maybe I'm not following... Let me know if that's the case!

But the way I figure it, even an older Apple Remote (with the help of the
Manta TR1 IR receiver and those aforementioned plugins) will definitely be up to every task except turning on the TV, a problem for another day.
mstrze said:
Pricewise, I guess I can't beat your $100 price point unless you get a used one on eBay...but you are also making a very complicated system for them to just watch stuff on TV.
While I agree the

tv would be simpler straight out-of-the-box, I don't think this system will be that complex once I set it up. I use a similar system at my place, and it's drop-dead simple. Front Row controls everything, and I control Front Row with my Remote. No fuss.
Now, back to the original question:
Will a dual 1.0-1.42 GHz PowerMac G4 be able to handle Flash to play Hulu?
Does Netflix Watch Instantly support Silverlight 1.0?
Thanks for your input and help- I really appreciate it and all the suggestions you've offered! I don't want to get halfway through this and realize I was wrong!