They're right, most developers hold off on releasing updates on their products until apple releases the GM.
What plugins were failing, NIK?
Both the Nik Collection and Perfect Photo Suite. I did not try Helicon Focus.
The tech support at both companies are aware of the problem being Yosemite underlying services. They will not try to release any correction on their side for what is essentially an OS fault. I reported the problem to Adobe but never got a response. That is not surprising.
So my point is if you want/need to produce edited photos using LR plus plugins, the Yosemite beta might not be worth trying.
The problem with LR and the plugins was the last of many trouble reports I filed. I did not want to any new images to have to wait until the Yosemite launch to be processed. So I restored to Mavericks yesterday without problem. As a retiree I have no "production" machines and do not depend on my Mac for revenue. I never said that was the case. That is why I could and did take the risk of running the beta for many days.
I used to test real time telecom software. I fully understand how software is carefully allowed to progress from prototype, to alpha, to beta, to First Office Application (FOA), to general release states. I will not be in a rush to go back to Yosemite until I hear that LR plus the plugins are all working properly.